30 day shred weights

Hi, I restarted the 30 day shred on Saturday and made my weights a bit heavier ( I have practically no arm muscle). I am finding it so much tougher! I just wondered what size weights everyone else uses when doing it?


  • Fit_Forever25
    Fit_Forever25 Posts: 313 Member
    I would say start with lesser weights and work through it.. there is no point starting with heavier and ending up in a wrong form
    Its natural that if you use heavier weights you will not be able to do the exercises in proper forms.
    I started with 2lbs &3lbs weight and by the time of level 3 I was using 3 and 5lbs
    and trust me my upper body was very weak but because of those pushups and planks and all other exercises I can see the difference.
    Jillian Rocks!
  • BohemianPrep
    BohemianPrep Posts: 15 Member
    I only had 5 pound weights when I started it. I did it and wondered why the heck Jillian and her girls made it look so easy!?! I found out later that they are only using 3 pound weights.

    Since weights are so cheap, I bought 3's for her other tapes and use the 5's when I think I can.