
went to bertucci's tonight w/ my bf..we got the antipasto misto ( asparagus, broccoli, roasted red pepper, roasted zucchini, prosciutto, fresh mozzerella, olives..yummm)...and shrimp bella something pizza. (2slices) BERTUCCI'S DOESNT HAVE CALORIE INFORMATION!! but i chose generic shrimp pizza entered everyhting individually plus 2tlbs olive oil and it came out to 800 caloires..sound right?


  • rachel512
    rachel512 Posts: 38 Member
    Haha! Too funny, I actually am a waitress at Bertucci's and I am constantly pushing for them to post something. Truth is, there's probably more calories than 800...I'd say its close to 1,000 for the whole meal...the antipasto is my absolute favorite and it looks deceptively healthy, but it's not. Whatever you do, try to limit it to om ne roll because believe me, they pile up! Actually, my job there is one reason for my joining the site! Here's some helpful advice for next time. The vivaldi con pollo and bello is delicious and it runs about 360 calories, or the grilled salmon salad...hope this helps for the next time you visit the Tucc!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Have you ever checked out They may have something if Bertucci's is a chain...