If you had to choose 1 thing...



  • jayb33z
    jayb33z Posts: 87 Member
    @Kimberly well if you're looking to expand your closet, I'd go with the treadmill cause it has stationary arm rests for hanging pants and dress shirts. if you're looking for an option to steam your shrts, I'd go with the P90x pullup bar - you know the one that attaches to the top of the closet?

    if you want so quality equipment, I've bought from www dot newyorkbarbells dot com (no, im not a shareholder) i buy things from them when they're running free shipping deals.

    I'm teasing you Kimberly. have a great day today
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    Full weight bench-Power rack,kettle balls-Heavy weights
  • chrissyrn04
    chrissyrn04 Posts: 119 Member
    I HAD to have an elliptical and a treadmill. WE just sold the elliptical, we never used it - it bored me. I do use the treadmill often though for when I cant get out for my run or need to run during nap time, early am, after kids are in bed ect.
  • nomorewishing
    nomorewishing Posts: 250 Member
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    We have a treadmill and a set of dumbbells. We can do pretty much anything with it, and I like the setup quite a bit.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    Power cage, barbell and weight plates.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    A squat rack and the plates to use it, and it's not even close. Nothing can give you the wide range of benefits a squat rack can, and you can't really simulate those types of exercises. A treadmill is great, but I can run on the streets/trail for free and get the same/better workout.
  • Grandysl
    Grandysl Posts: 189
    Bowflex treadclimber. Combines benefits of elleiptical and treadmill. LOVE IT! I can find workouts to do without weights to build strength, but can not always hit the streets for cardio.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    anything you can do on a treadmill you can do outside on a track/road/field etc though? If you were restricting yourself to just one thing why pick something that can be replicated by the great outdoors?

  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    I love my precore elliptical, I could never get used to the treadmill. we also have free weights and a basic bench.
    Do you have access to the machines at the gym? Do you have one you enjoy more than the other(s). this is how i decided which one to have in home :)
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Def a treadmill and some Biggest Loser DVD's ; ) They really kick your butt!
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    I have an elliptical. I wish I had a power rack with weights instead. :grumble:
  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    Neither. I hate doing cardio on a machine. I wuld buy some awesome DVD's instead and run outside. If I had to chose.... probably a dreadmill.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    to have in your home, what would it be? A treadmill? Elliptical? Would love to know what ya'lls think! Buyin' a house soon and plan on getting something and cancelling my gym membership.

    Competition Power Rack from EliteFTS.