Getting rid of my apron belly

Hi after reading so many inspiring stories on this forum I decided to give it a Shot hoping to find the support of other mommies who like me after having had 2 c sections are looking to get rid of this saggy apron belly

I had my second child 6 months ago. She along with her brother, are the apple of my eyes. I could not be happier except when I look at myself in the mirror. I feel horrified at this saggy skin. Round my abdomen. Summer being round the corner is not helping either. But instead of moaning and complaining, after watching the before and after pics of Jillian michaels body revolution I am giving it a try, along with eating healthily. I had started with p90x and as much as I love tony, an hour a day was too much to dedicate 6 times a week with a newborn, a toddler and life in general. I am nearing the end of my second week with JM and so far loving the programm. 30 mins a day is perfect for my schedule.

I hope to meet other mommies who can be of support or anyone else who is doing this program. A two piece this summer is definitely a no go but I I am working at it . No pain tons of gain :)