last five pounds!

fm1304 Posts: 31 Member
hey everyone!

been desperately trying to lose these last few buggers. just cant manage to though. no idea where im going wrong. i think its my food. is anybody up for analysing my diet and exercise. thanx a million!

breakfast - 2 cups fruit, cereal special k 1 cup with 1/2 cup 1% milk, 1 cup tea
snack - 1 cup tea with one biscuit or equivalent snack
lunch - few bites of whatever is available, fruit (sometimes)
snack - energy drink, 10 almonds (mostly just six to rid the craving if any)
dinner - a slice of bread with whatever is available, 1 cup tea, few bites something sweet

i dont think i eat all that much. and i walk at about 3.5 mph for atleast 40 min a day for a minimum of 4 days a week. i try to do crunches 3 times a week. and i get these horrible sweet craving after my walk.. so end up having a glass of sweet lemonade later. other than all this i follow a pretty sedentary lifestyle.

oh and im almost 132 pounds at 5ft6" and i want to come down to atleast 126 pounds :cry:



  • kobrie17
    kobrie17 Posts: 106 Member
    you don't eat much at all! when you mfp how many calories is that?? 800 tops!!..well if i told you to eat more you prob wouldn't if your comfortable. i'd say the only changes you could make are to eat whole wheat bread (any white ..switch to wheat) and eat more fiber!! the whole wheat will give you fiber..but you could also try vegetables instead of fruit. good luck!! but don't sweat the 5lbs too much- your prob the only one who notices it!
  • hammersbe
    hammersbe Posts: 3
    my opinion... you need more protein, more healthy fat and a lot of fruit and vegetables... plus fiber is huge!!! fiber keeps you full a lot longer and helps your body regulate itself better. rather than munching on whats available, make yourself a salad with multi grain croutons, have a fiber one bar for a snack... for dinner have some chicken, broccoli and brown rice.. your working out and not eating enough. therefore your body is holding on to all the calories your giving it. sounds like youve done great so far, so reward yourself with some healthy full fiber meals and you'll lose those 5 lbs. good luck lady:happy:
  • csingleton24
    csingleton24 Posts: 235 Member
    Increase your calories and eat clean. Plus increase your intensity on your workouts. Hopefully that'll work! Good luck!
  • fm1304
    fm1304 Posts: 31 Member
    thank you guys..

    csingleton24: whenever i try to inccrease my walk time or increase my speed i start to get all these weird pains and aches. and then i need to take a few days off to let my body settle down. feels like fatigue but from what ive read of it.. its not 'that' easy to fatigue ones body out!

    its true.. ive just become so used to eating in these portions that eating more feels like ill put on weight. but i think i should replace lunch with salad and fruit and that should add some nutrition :drinker: if i could be 126 once i could be again!! :glasses:

    will keep adding on updates for more advice.