Workout at Work?

I'm stuck at a desk all day, in my chair talking to people. Does anyone have any suggestions for exercise that I could do here and there in my chair that wouldn't affect working? Mainly trying to focus on abs/stomach/butt/thigh area :)



  • kristenlees122
    hmm... hover over your chair.. do some squats or lunges in the bathroom... google? haha
  • msudaisy28
    msudaisy28 Posts: 267 Member
    Are you on the phone? You could get a headset and walk around the room and just come back to the computer when you need to see details. Sometimes I do thigh or ab squeezes at my desk as well - no one can visably see when you're doing those. You could keep some small hand weights and do bicep curls while on the phone. Good luck!
  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 434 Member
    I got a small elliptical that fits under my desk.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Check with your office to see if they support "sit/stand" workstations (mine does - I have a workstation set up where I can comfortably stand at it, with a large tall chair I can sit in). When you're standing at your workstation, there are so many things you can do to get little mini-workouts it's amazing. Plus, of course, just standing is burning more calories.
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    What about sitting on one of those exercise balls to sit on. That will do a lot for your core
  • butterfly10398
    I've heard people say they use a stability ball at work rather than a desk chair....
  • QuintinV
    QuintinV Posts: 28
    We have body balls at work - even in meeting rooms, so we use them during the day and it is great. Either get more people in your area to join in and get some in your direct area or get the company involved somehow.
  • kati37
    kati37 Posts: 61
    I sit all day as well. I make sure any breaks I get are spent walking! When I go to the restroom I do 10-15 squats before I leave. I have wanted to ask my boss about getting a exercise ball to sit on instead of my back breaking chair. We will see. Also I have seen somethings posted on the internet before that my be of use to you!
  • redrover
    redrover Posts: 71 Member
    If you can get up for a few minutes here and there, try climbing some stairs. It's quick and is great exercise.