HRM vs. Machine calorie count

Hi all,

I worked out indoors today for the first time in ages, because I am away on business and couldn't go outside. I still had my trusty HRM with me, though, so I headed to the hotel fitness room to walk/jog on the treadmill. I spent 50 minutes on the treadmill walking at 5.0 at a 3 incline with 60 min intervals of jogging at 6.0 every 4 minutes.

My HRM says I burned 545 calories . . . the machine said I only burned 299! I know that we've discussed on here before that the HRM is more accurate, but I was shocked by this discrepancy because the heart rate on both were in sync the entire time! I haven't lost much weight recently (very close to my goal now) and I am wondering if I am eating too much but eating all of my exercise calories per my HRM.

I am 32 yrs old, 5'7", and currently weigh 146 pounds.



  • schlieffen
    schlieffen Posts: 269
    I've also seen this discrepancy (though not as much of one, yikes!) so I'm curious to know the answer too!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Could you set the machine for weight and fitness level? Your HRM is set for you and most machines are not. My home elipse will say I burned 1000 but my HRM is usually around 730. When my husband uses the elipse his HRM and the elipse are usually very close in the number of calories burned. I am guessing that the machine is set for someone his weight and height (our machine is not adjustable).
  • soxygirl
    soxygirl Posts: 173
    Yeah, I could set the machine, and did . . . I see discrepencies where the machine is higher than the HRM a lot and I'd be more comfortable with that because I'd rather be under than over, but I was definitely thrown when my HRM was higher, and by so much!
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I think your heartrate monitor is correct, because I do a similiar workout and my treadmill says I burn around the same calories that your HRM said. Makes me seriously consider getting a HRM though.
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    Yeah, I could set the machine, and did . . . I see discrepencies where the machine is higher than the HRM a lot and I'd be more comfortable with that because I'd rather be under than over, but I was definitely thrown when my HRM was higher, and by so much!

    Did you check your settings on your HRM? also, sometimes the HRM will interfere with the computer on a treadmill at a gym. I have a Polar F6 which is supposed to not interfere but some others do.