30 Day Shred :)

So today was my third day on 30 day shred...never been one to do "at home videos" but I can honestly say that if you put the work in you can definitely feel it. My entire body burns. I am still going to the gym and hoping to see some tightening from all this working out. We will see.......not sure if your supposed to do the 30 day shred every single day but willing to give it a shot. 20 mins video is not bad at all!!!! :)

Was thinking about P90x or insanity after...any thoughts on this workout???


  • Anke861
    Anke861 Posts: 53 Member
    Yeah I can definitely feel the 30DS workout! :) only on lvl 1 still but looking forward to do insanity after this :D
  • ksnel3
    ksnel3 Posts: 107 Member
    I just started Level 2 today and WOW! If you get bored with Level 1 like I did, hang on a bit longer. Level 2 was so intense and fast paced that it felt like 5 minutes, absolutely no time to let your mind wander and get bored! I only lost 0.5lbs on level 1, but lost about 7inches! Definitely take before pictures and measurements!
  • danithegirl89
    danithegirl89 Posts: 203 Member
    I just started the 30 DS less than a week ago. I know a lot of people do it everyday but I am doing it every other day and doing cardio on the days in between. It definitely gives you a good workout!!! :) Good luck and hope you post your results
  • aprileigh27
    aprileigh27 Posts: 37
    Yes!! Good luck to you as well I hear sooo many wonderful things about this DVD and see peoples results its nuts!
  • Leslieheindel
    Leslieheindel Posts: 21 Member
    I do the 30 Day shred, 30 day ripped, 6 week 6 pack, and the blast fat and boost metabolism. I alternate thorughout the week. I am on level 3 of shred and ripped. But sometimes I go back to do level 1 or 2, but then i don't do any modifiers. I have been doing jillian's workout for 2 months. I am MUCH stronger and my endurance has really changed. I still struggle to get through some of these workouts. she is no joke.

    I just started eating right along with my exercise and now I am seeing my muscle definition because the fat around it is finally going away.

    when I was starting the program, even if I didn't feel like I was ready to move up, I did and just did the modified versions of it so that I could push myself. and then the next day I would go back down a level. I do her videos 4-5 days a week.
  • kjlorraine
    kjlorraine Posts: 1 Member
    I'm on day 6 and loving it. My muscles feel stronger already and my endurance is building! I plan to do level 1 for 30 days then move up to level 2. I have also found zumba! Been going to a class once a week and just bought the game for the wii as well as healthy eating. Really hope to see the results soon and all the hard work pay off!
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    Started Level 2 yesterday after 10 days of Level 1. Level 1 got really easy on the 7th day, I'm hoping level 2 gets easier soon, really kicks your butt. I've never been one for videos either but every exercise Jillian does makes sense to me. I'm doing it every day for 30 days just because I want to see what happens. I also incorporate 4-45 minute cardio sessions a week.
  • Blanche76
    Blanche76 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm on level 3 of 30 DS and that is really intense but I do notice a change now only if the numbers on the scale went down more.
  • sb1023
    sb1023 Posts: 148 Member
    i was halfway through level three and then got sick...haven't worked out in about two and a half weeks- so i think i'm going to re-start the shred again monday but alternate with cardio like i did before- so i would love to follow along with everyone else! best of luck!
  • JDKD82199
    JDKD82199 Posts: 106 Member
    Haven't done 30DS but currently in week 3 of Insanity and it is kicking my butt. I can definately tell I have gotten stronger and my endurance is improved. I plan on doing P90x next.
  • ademiter
    ademiter Posts: 176 Member
    I did the 30 Day Shred for the 30 days! I did skip 2 days due to sickness, but picked right back up with it. I lost 9 pounds and 2 inches from my waist! I LOVE THIS DVD!!
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    I finished day 4 of level 2 when I went into a "fibro lapse" so I haven't done it in about a week, but I am going to start all over again - hopefully on Saturday if I'm rested enough. The way you feel after those 27 minutes is incredible. I thought level 2 was MUCH easier and better than level 1, well after the first day of cussing at Jillian - lol. Level 2 was more "fun" and it did seem to go really fast! I did not take pictures, but I could see a change in my clothes and hubby commenting to me.