Quitting Smoking



  • Meatsies
    Meatsies Posts: 351 Member
    I quit in February, after I'd been on MFP for a little while. I gave myself about 10 days of pity. Gained a few pounds, but didn't smoke a single cigarette. And when the 10 day pity party was over, I kicked *kitten*, lost the few extra pounds, and haven't looked back since. :) Good luck to you! You can do it, if you're really ready.
  • oftheearth
    oftheearth Posts: 104 Member
    Oh I'm sorry I misread this! I thought you wanted tips for quitting, not tips for avoiding weight gain while quitting. I gained 20 lbs and had lost all but 15 of it within about a year, until I broke my femur and gained some back.

    The stuff that you do snack on...try to make low cal?

    Also, like I'm sure you've heard, exercise actually makes quitting easier.
  • Aspynmom
    Aspynmom Posts: 166 Member
    I quit January 1st using e-cigs, after "quitting" about 5 different times using other things. I have gained some weight over the past three months...but I don't attribute that entirely to the quitting, I've just been lazy! It's coming off now, though, with exercise and MFP. I was a serious pack a day 22 year smoker. Now I walk past the smoking area at work and want to puke. I was AFRAID, and never thought I would succeed. Remember, you have to WANT it. All smokers know they "should" quit, but many don't want to. You may gain some weight but who cares? Weight can be lost, you can't lose cancer. I still get twinges every now and then, but as time goes on they get less and less severe. Now I acknowledge the craving, and say "Well, I don't smoke anymore" and go on with my day. Best choice I ever made. You can do it!
  • brismom070897
    brismom070897 Posts: 178 Member
  • AdrienneKaren
    AdrienneKaren Posts: 168 Member
    Thank you all so much! I'm really excited to quit. My Mom lives next door and has already said to send my daughter to her house if I feel a mood swing coming on. I also have brand new Zumba videos that I'm planning on using a lot. Although I'm terrified of the mood swings and cravings, I'm ready to quit and be healthy. Thank you so much again!