Has anyone else broken a femur?

Hi. I broke my femur in a car accident six weeks ago and I am just seeing if anyone else here has that I can talk to. I've gained a lot of weight and I can't move much and it's really getting to me.



  • laceylou0702
    laceylou0702 Posts: 226 Member
    My mom had her femur broken then repaired (she was actually missing 4 inches that had to be replaced / rebuilt) but from her accident her pelvis is permanently broken. She gained alot of weight being stuck in bed forever but she's taking it off slowly but surely. She's making better food choices and her exercise is a tad limited due to her injuries. You can do it I"ve seen her lose 2 pants sizes!
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    I have been where you are and I let the depression of not begin able to do the things I wanted to do get to me. It took a long time to get back to being me and feeling comfortable again. Add me as a friend if you need to talk.
  • jeffazi
    jeffazi Posts: 198
    I broke my right femur (along the growth plate) when I was 15. My right leg stopped growing and as a result my left leg is 1 1/2" longer than my right. It drastically affects how I exercise. I can't run so I walk, do some weights, and do yoga instead. I was in a full length leg cast for many weeks (can't recall precisely how long I had to wear the cast but it was at least 8 weeks). There really isn't a whole lot you can do. Perhaps you could get some dumbells and do some weight lifting. Walking on crutches is quite a workout too! Message me if you want to discuss. Feel better!