
I am a 34 year old wife and mother. I work full-time (12hr days) and I need a change. I was never the "heavy" one in school. I got pregnant with my daughter at 18 and I never lost the weight after. I spent my 20's being fat. I refuse to be fat through my 30's and beyond. Five years ago I lost 50lbs. I ate very strictly. I NEVER exceeded 1,200 calories a day. I also worked out twice a day. I ran 3-4 miles a day. I was in the best shape I had ever been in. Even in high school (when I was really thin) I wasn't physically fit. Then I had surgery and couldn't work out for awhile. I always said I'd get back to it. My husband was not eating healthy at the time so I started eating terribly also. I knew better.

Of course, the weight creeped back up. I have terrible genes. My dad's sisters are all obese and unhealthy. I refuse to be like them. I am learning new ways to stay motivated. I am learning it's okay to occasionally eat a good treat, as long as it is within my calorie limit. This time my husband is doing this journey with me. It's easier that way. :smile: I feel like it's a whole new me. I can't wait to go out in public and not feel insecure. My husband is even noticing changes and it's only been 2 weeks. Not only did I lose 6lbs so far (in my first week) but I'm noticing that I have more energy and feel better already!

I refuse to be the yo-yo person. I will get the weight off, and KEEP it off this time! My new motto: Failure is NOT an option!!