Really gung-ho!

Hi! I'm Adrien. I'm 24, and I live in the Dallas area.

I started using the myfitnesspal app on my Droid a few months ago, but I fell off the wagon and stopped using it. A couple of days ago I got onto the website, and I'm loving using both.

I started this year with a goal of losing 5 lbs a month, but I did not follow-through. Instead, I've mostly maintained my weight. It often fluctuates by a few pounds, but sadly it does keep going up slowly.

I weigh 188 right now. I weighed 191 two days ago, but I've been really gung-ho about working out and watching what I eat...kinda. Well, keeping better track of what I eat. I did say my weight fluctuates a few pounds.

I'm by no means a tiny girl, but I'm at the biggest I've ever been in my life, and I do not like it. When I was in high school, I was a size 16 and weighed about 164. Being a teenager these days and not being super skinny isn't easy, but I became okay with it as I got older, as I became more self-confident. Then, during my senior year I was on birth control pills to regulate my hormones, became more active with my friends, ate less, I guess, and in a few months I lost about 20 lbs without trying. I even started a job in the middle of my senior year that was two miles from my home, and since I didn't drive, it wasn't unusual for me to walk to work and then stand for 6-8 hours.

A few weeks before my graduation, I had to have my gall bladder taken out. After that, I immediately lost a few more pounds and sizes. On my graduation day I was a size 13, which I hadn't been since I was in junior high.

That summer I got off the pills and started driving and slowly started gaining weight. Then my job closed, and I went a month without work, and sat around eating and gained a couple of those sizes back.

Well, that was six years ago, and I've gained about 50 pounds since I graduated high school.


I don't hate myself, but I am not thrilled by what I see. I can be better.

A couple summers ago I decided I really wanted to work out, and I used to walk to the community center gym and workout. When I started, I couldn't go a few minutes on an elliptical without needing water. After a while I noticed it got easier. I was proud of myself. Then I got off the bandwagon for a few months and the following January I joined 24 Hour Fitness. I worked out hardcore because I'm nocturnal and loved that I could go at midnight. I didn't lose weight, necessarily, but I was toning up. Others were noticing.

Again, I fell off the bandwagon, and here is the worst part. 10 months ago I started working AT A GYM. Perfect, right? I can work and work out. Except I don't work out there. Even worse, I still pay for my 24 Hour Fitness membership. I just don't want to give that up. I have gone sporadically. I used to work out I work out every few weeks or months.

I can't keep doing that.

I need to be consistent.

That is my plan - consistency. I've gotten back into everything the last few days, and I hope I don't quit again.

I don't want to lose weight just to lose weight or just for my health.

I want to be a paramedic with a fire department. I have to be able to pass the physical exam. That's another reason why I'm getting back into the gym. I've gotten stronger since I started working out two years ago, but I'm still weak. I've actually lost some of the ability I have gained over the years to lift. I can't lift as much as I could when I was working really hard.

I'm a female, and I want to be a firefighter/paramedic. There aren't many women in that field. It's tough, but I think I can do. I just have to get my butt moving.

My goal is to get to 135 lbs. That has more to do with military height/weight standards. I would be okay with weighing 150 again, but, since I'm already at it, what's another 15 lbs?

I have another goal, too. There's a charity ball in November that is special invite, and I am working to get invited. In fact, I was already told that I'd receive an invitation.

When/if I go, I want to look amazing. I want to be able to buy a gorgeous dress and look fabulous in it. It may sound silly, but I didn't go to my prom...I kinda want to make up for it. :)

If you've read this far, WOW.

Thank you!



  • mommyaudie
    Hi Adrien, I'm Autumn. I'm new as well. Add me if you like, I'd love to offer my support. :)