Personal Training Ending - SCARED

Hey Guys,

Gotta say I love this site, track everything and really enjoy reading all the posts on here to keep me motivated. My story in a nutshell is that back in January I got sick of feeling disgusting and tired. I hired a personal trainer and been logging consistently and am down 15lbs, my BF is down considerably and I have to say I've never looked and felt this good (still have 15 pounds to go) but am on my way. That being said my PT is almost done and I can't afford to continue going. I know I can keep working out and have the ability to work out at a nice little home gym for I worry I won't be able to stay motivated to continue to do it on my own. I am scared as hell that I will just revert back to my old ways and gain it all back. WOuld love some help/support/advice if anyone can give it to me. Thanks guys.


  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    Have you looked into going to the gym with a workout buddy? Are there classes at your gym/local community center that you could take? I always feel more motivated when I attend a class than when I just work out alone. Congrats on being halfway towards your goal!