Cardio or Lifting???



  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member

    when doing 80% max weight for the first time, please have a spotter :)
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    How in the name of all that is Holy can anybody love lifting? I am just the opposite of you and would love to know what your secret it. I on the other hand will do cardio 7 days a week just to avoid having to "hit the weights".

    I feel silly standing there lifting weights several times never going anywhere.

    PLEASE share your secret to the LOVE!
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    How in the name of all that is Holy can anybody love lifting? I am just the opposite of you and would love to know what your secret it. I on the other hand will do cardio 7 days a week just to avoid having to "hit the weights".

    I feel silly standing there lifting weights several times never going anywhere.

    PLEASE share your secret to the LOVE!

    The secret for me, is to track and progress with your resistance. I felt kind of dorky walking around the weight room with my binder and pen, but you HAVE to write down what you do. I lack the creativity to come up with my own program, so I am following a book. But it is a bit of a rush to pick up 10lb dumbells and do a press with shaky noodle arms one day, and a month later press with 17.5lbs dumbells like they are feathers :D
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    How in the name of all that is Holy can anybody love lifting? I am just the opposite of you and would love to know what your secret it. I on the other hand will do cardio 7 days a week just to avoid having to "hit the weights".

    I feel silly standing there lifting weights several times never going anywhere.

    PLEASE share your secret to the LOVE!

    I love lifting more than cardio because of how it is shaping my body up. I have muscular definition on my shoulders, back, arms and abs. I have never ever seen these before in my life until I started lifting seriously in mid-Feb. I also love feeling stronger. I can haul 20 to 30-lb boxes at work and not break a sweat. The more my body develops, the heavier I lift. It's a wonderful, never-ending cycle that feeds itself. :smile:

    To the OP: I still do cardio after I lift but the duration is getting shorter only because lifting is more interesting and dynamic for me. My routine nowadays: 1 to 1.25 hours of lifting followed by 30-40 minutes of cardio on the stair climber at level 10. I don't think I will ever abandon cardio completely because I like building endurance; it's just not my first love anymore.

    Hope this helps. :smile:
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    How in the name of all that is Holy can anybody love lifting? I am just the opposite of you and would love to know what your secret it. I on the other hand will do cardio 7 days a week just to avoid having to "hit the weights".

    I feel silly standing there lifting weights several times never going anywhere.

    PLEASE share your secret to the LOVE!

    the secret is to lift heavy and watch yourself TRANSFORM!



    and also, to see the respect in the dude's eyes when they see a girl going over to the squat rack and loading it up to more than her body weight and just slayin' it! :) LOVE THAT!
  • shimmer_glo
    shimmer_glo Posts: 103 Member
    posting to follow topic...
  • Meatsies
    Meatsies Posts: 351 Member
    Bump. 'Cause I like it.
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    How in the name of all that is Holy can anybody love lifting? I am just the opposite of you and would love to know what your secret it. I on the other hand will do cardio 7 days a week just to avoid having to "hit the weights".

    I feel silly standing there lifting weights several times never going anywhere.

    PLEASE share your secret to the LOVE!

    the secret is to lift heavy and watch yourself TRANSFORM!



    ^^^^^^^^ THIS !!! Feeling strong, able to do what you never thought you could, the rush of DOING IT ...and changing your body !! I'm competitive the challenge. And ..... You may want to go check out my blog. Muscles ...are sooooo much better than fat.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    There really isn't a set rule against doing cardio as long as your not doing an hour everyday because that defeats the purpose of building the muscle usually...

    I think what they were getting at is that it is best to do weights first. When you do cardio first, you might not be able to perform as well in the weight area if you are already tired from cardio so a lot of people do a short warm up and then weights. I personally don't do a cardio warmup. I just make sure to get some warm up sets in with light weight before performing my working sets. I'm only doing cardio twice a week now though.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    How in the name of all that is Holy can anybody love lifting? I am just the opposite of you and would love to know what your secret it. I on the other hand will do cardio 7 days a week just to avoid having to "hit the weights".

    I feel silly standing there lifting weights several times never going anywhere.

    PLEASE share your secret to the LOVE!

    What I love most about it is knowing that I'm doing something that actually benefits me.
  • MyTime1985
    MyTime1985 Posts: 456 Member
    Thank you for all the information! This has really been amazing and I have learned so much from this post. I cannot wait to hit the gym tonight!

    In addition, someone asked how you can love lifting. It makes me feel stronger, and I feel like I see results from that faster. :love:
  • PeterThompson
    I prefer lifting. If you like lifting then there's no problem about that, you'll gain the desired muscles that you wanted. Just make it a habit. I am doing it everyday, I bought my own dumbbells after reading the reviews here and I love it.

    Our pal is right that you should also combine exercise with proper diet to lose weight or else all your effort will be wasted. Goodluck!
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    I would much rather lift than do cardio. My only issue at the moment is not seeing any weight loss or loss in inches. I know I'm getting stronger because I could barely bench the bar and now I'm benching 80 lbs as the norm but I'm not seeing any losses. With cardio at least I felt like I was doing something because the scale was moving. Now the scale has actually gone up a few pounds.
  • cara4art
    cara4art Posts: 48 Member
    I completely agree with this. Both lifting and cardio are important, but done in the proper order.
  • brismom070897
    brismom070897 Posts: 178 Member