LADIES? Supplements SUPPORTING your Weight Loss goals.

I am going to make my way to GNC or Vitamin Shoppe later today.. would love to hear what supplements YOU take that helps support your weight loss.. I know there is NO magic pill out there, but if ANYTHING that you do take that you've noticed help support your goals // boost weight loss.. please let me know, i'd highly appreciate it.. thanks so much


  • EthanJeremiahsMama
    EthanJeremiahsMama Posts: 534 Member
    I take GNC's Womens Ultra Mega Energy & Metabolism vitamins everyday. It helps give me that little boost of energy in the morning!
  • i take one a day women's vitamins and one oxy elite pro pill a day it has really helped boost weight loss for me
  • I take GNC's Womens Ultra Mega Energy & Metabolism vitamins everyday. It helps give me that little boost of energy in the morning!

    i will check this out thank you!

    i take one a day women's vitamins and one oxy elite pro pill a day it has really helped boost weight loss for me

    oxy elite pro? is that a fat burner?
  • I take GNC women's ultra mega green. Seems to boost my energy if nothing else!
  • EthanJeremiahsMama
    EthanJeremiahsMama Posts: 534 Member
    I take GNC women's ultra mega green. Seems to boost my energy if nothing else!

    I have tried this before as well, it's a great vitamin supplement!!
  • multivitamin
    Chitosan +b 6, cider vinegar, lecithin= I am very regular since I take these with two of my meals.
  • bdsweetie21
    bdsweetie21 Posts: 14
    I use a Green Tea Fat Metabolism Boosting supplement. I dunno if it actually helps burn fat like it says it does, but it does give you a natural feeling energy boost that I haven't ever been able to get with other energy supplements or drinks. The first time you take it make sure you eat something exactly 30 minutes after taking, or you'll have jitters all day. It did this to me and my boyfriend the first time, but never again... Idk why, but every time afterward it just gives you a subtle boost of energy that lasts all day (you don't even have to take another one later like the label suggests). :)

    I also use a Multi-Vitamin called Maxi-Hair. It is a reg multi-vitamin that gears toward healthy hair, skin, and nails as well.
  • Hannahk90
    Hannahk90 Posts: 8
    I've been taking Raspberry Ketones for the past week and I've seen a bump in my weight loss. It isn't dramatic, as it is just a concentrated extraction of what one would get from eating raspberries, but it has definitely been nudging the numbers down a little more on the scale than diet and exercise alone. It's also caffeine free, so you don't get any jitters. It is a thermogenic, so it raises your body temperature up a bit (helps your body metabolize fat better that way), but I only really noticed it the first day I took it. I've heard green tea extracts work similarly, but I haven't tried them.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I've heard B complex is supposed to be good for energy and weight loss? Dunno how true that is though. Otherwise I'm taking a multi and stuff for my hair and skin.
  • charelg
    charelg Posts: 599 Member
    Drink green tea with mint and tangerine, natural metabolism booster recommended by dr oz.
  • jill92787
    jill92787 Posts: 158 Member
    Fish Oil and a Multivitamin! Don't forget the fish oil! Seriously, if you've read some of the studies on it that have come out over the last TWENTY years, everyone should be taking it every day.

    If you're not sure what to go for ask about GNC about the VitaPacks. It takes some of the work out of it for you, but also some of the control as well...