

  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    I have noticed a change in some of my friend's attitudes but have only been dieting since the middle of January so I think more time is needed before I will know if I am to lose any friendships.

    However, and I am sure this doesnt apply to you because you sound very down to earth, but I used to have a friend who lost a significant amount of weight and went from obese to a healthy weight, she became such an awful person! We would go out shopping and she would say to me "you're honestly not telling me your THAT dress size are you?!" And other derogatory things which made me feel terrible about myself because I wasnt in the right place to tackle my weight at that time. It got so bad that I ended up phasing her out and now I dont see her any more. Like I said, I'm sure you havent gone to that extreme, but maybe you have changed a bit and your friends seem to have less in common with you than they did before? You are sure to have a few different interests etc to before

    youre right, i have changed a little bit, i think. i talk about the gym more now and exercising, because its such a big part of my life, but i dont feel like i push it on anyone. i do however always suggest to support someone that says "oh i wish i could"...
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    I think fat women in particular are jealous. It's too "hard" to do anything about it and so they don't. It always seems to make someone uncomfortable when you change the status quo. Also, as in my case, I AM getting older and as an adult I have never been the weight I am today. I don't think 135 pounds at 5' 5 1/2 inches is too "skinny". Granted, I do believe I have lost muscle due to the aging process and because I have not taken the time to seriously do weight lifting. Nobody has seen me at this weight so I am obviously "too thin" or "small enough".

    Bottom line women are jealous. Smokers don't want their smoker friends to quit. people don't like it that I am going towards vegan and eating lots of whole veggies. I get comments usually from fat people or the hamburger and french fry crowd about "how can you eat like that?" And they think we are fair game. How would they like it if we walked into a room and started pointing the finger at someone. One woman I know who says I am too tiny I could say, that as she is a diabetic "do you really think you should be eating those sweet rolls all the time. Ya know, I've never seen you without something in your mouth or a bag of chips in your hand. Every time I see you order food it is some kind of crap on a bun. Don't you ever eat veggies? Don't you think you should at least try to lose 50 - 100 pounds? Do you know what diabetes will do to you and IT WILL DO IT TO YOU!" How would they like it? I think people are insecure and they don't want us to change because as your friend says, it makes them look WORSE. Most people are overweight or obese. That is the statistics in America. What is it 60%? If losing weight and watching your health were easy, everyone would do it. They just want the immediate pay off of eating crap food when they see it because it is yummy! So were the collard greens, beans with nutritional yeast and strawberries I had for dessert for lunch just now!

    Edit: My personal favorite statement is when they say "I'm healthy and happy at this weight." Seriously? No, you've accepted your "lot" and make the best of it by eating whatever makes you feel good while you scarf it down. Let's check back with you in 10 - 20 years and see how happy you are with your cholesterol readings, your diabetes, your heart disease, your arthritis and joint pain, and the specter of knee replacements, your not being able to do plain old things because you are just too fat and out of breath? Let us know how that is working for you.

    Get new like minded friends. Send her a picture of you at Christmas in a sexy little black dress. She can look at it while she eats a box of Christmas cookies! = D

    hah! awesome! i bet it felt good to get that lil bit off your chest too! lol ...maybe i will send out that card! :laugh:
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    I worry a lot about the opposite in fact... I fear I will become pretty annoying when I reach my goal weight, I probably already am. Fitness and healthy foods is about all I think about when not studying for finals these days... I just hope I can still be around friends that have no intention of changing their lifestyles and hang out like before.

    As for those that attack you up front, just ignore them I guess... If you are not actively trying to get them to change and they feel uncomfortable just from being near a successful and determined person, they are pretty dumb and don't realize what they are losing...
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    I think fat women in particular are jealous. It's too "hard" to do anything about it and so they don't. It always seems to make someone uncomfortable when you change the status quo. Also, as in my case, I AM getting older and as an adult I have never been the weight I am today. I don't think 135 pounds at 5' 5 1/2 inches is too "skinny". Granted, I do believe I have lost muscle due to the aging process and because I have not taken the time to seriously do weight lifting. Nobody has seen me at this weight so I am obviously "too thin" or "small enough".

    Bottom line women are jealous. Smokers don't want their smoker friends to quit. people don't like it that I am going towards vegan and eating lots of whole veggies. I get comments usually from fat people or the hamburger and french fry crowd about "how can you eat like that?" And they think we are fair game. How would they like it if we walked into a room and started pointing the finger at someone. One woman I know who says I am too tiny I could say, that as she is a diabetic "do you really think you should be eating those sweet rolls all the time. Ya know, I've never seen you without something in your mouth or a bag of chips in your hand. Every time I see you order food it is some kind of crap on a bun. Don't you ever eat veggies? Don't you think you should at least try to lose 50 - 100 pounds? Do you know what diabetes will do to you and IT WILL DO IT TO YOU!" How would they like it? I think people are insecure and they don't want us to change because as your friend says, it makes them look WORSE. Most people are overweight or obese. That is the statistics in America. What is it 60%? If losing weight and watching your health were easy, everyone would do it. They just want the immediate pay off of eating crap food when they see it because it is yummy! So were the collard greens, beans with nutritional yeast and strawberries I had for dessert for lunch just now!

    Edit: My personal favorite statement is when they say "I'm healthy and happy at this weight." Seriously? No, you've accepted your "lot" and make the best of it by eating whatever makes you feel good while you scarf it down. Let's check back with you in 10 - 20 years and see how happy you are with your cholesterol readings, your diabetes, your heart disease, your arthritis and joint pain, and the specter of knee replacements, your not being able to do plain old things because you are just too fat and out of breath? Let us know how that is working for you.

    Get new like minded friends. Send her a picture of you at Christmas in a sexy little black dress. She can look at it while she eats a box of Christmas cookies! = D

    couldn't have said it better myself. im being told, wow, you need to stop losing weight. im 5 ft 5 and 145. im muscular and healthy. i can get them to except me being vegan and not getting any teasing or judging but not with my weight. ive told people they look good but i would never say you are getting too skinny to anyone. ive told people, i log my stuff and do zumba, and while eating a cheeseburger and fries, them saying, oh i could never give up eating like this every day. id just die. in my head i am thinking you keep eating like that they are going to die. real friends are with you through thick or thin, haha.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    Wow! It seems like your friend is VERY jealous of you!!! Don't let her bother you and keep doing what your doing. You look amazing btw :) I was out with my sister and she said "do you like blueberries?" I said yes when she continued "because they burn belly fat." Uh what?!?!?!?
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I think fat women in particular are jealous. It's too "hard" to do anything about it and so they don't. It always seems to make someone uncomfortable when you change the status quo. Also, as in my case, I AM getting older and as an adult I have never been the weight I am today. I don't think 135 pounds at 5' 5 1/2 inches is too "skinny". Granted, I do believe I have lost muscle due to the aging process and because I have not taken the time to seriously do weight lifting. Nobody has seen me at this weight so I am obviously "too thin" or "small enough".

    Bottom line women are jealous. Smokers don't want their smoker friends to quit. people don't like it that I am going towards vegan and eating lots of whole veggies. I get comments usually from fat people or the hamburger and french fry crowd about "how can you eat like that?" And they think we are fair game. How would they like it if we walked into a room and started pointing the finger at someone. One woman I know who says I am too tiny I could say, that as she is a diabetic "do you really think you should be eating those sweet rolls all the time. Ya know, I've never seen you without something in your mouth or a bag of chips in your hand. Every time I see you order food it is some kind of crap on a bun. Don't you ever eat veggies? Don't you think you should at least try to lose 50 - 100 pounds? Do you know what diabetes will do to you and IT WILL DO IT TO YOU!" How would they like it? I think people are insecure and they don't want us to change because as your friend says, it makes them look WORSE. Most people are overweight or obese. That is the statistics in America. What is it 60%? If losing weight and watching your health were easy, everyone would do it. They just want the immediate pay off of eating crap food when they see it because it is yummy! So were the collard greens, beans with nutritional yeast and strawberries I had for dessert for lunch just now!

    Edit: My personal favorite statement is when they say "I'm healthy and happy at this weight." Seriously? No, you've accepted your "lot" and make the best of it by eating whatever makes you feel good while you scarf it down. Let's check back with you in 10 - 20 years and see how happy you are with your cholesterol readings, your diabetes, your heart disease, your arthritis and joint pain, and the specter of knee replacements, your not being able to do plain old things because you are just too fat and out of breath? Let us know how that is working for you.

    Get new like minded friends. Send her a picture of you at Christmas in a sexy little black dress. She can look at it while she eats a box of Christmas cookies! = D

    I absolutely love this response because it is so true (and I liked the others too!). First off I can't believe a "friend" has the nerve to say that to you! I have had similar things happen and it really ticks me off. I often bite my tongue but I am cussing them out in my mind. It's just plain rude. These comments also come from people who are unhealthy, have everything hurting on their body and claim because they are "too busy" (like we have more hours int he day) that is why they don't work out and eat right. Another good one is that they are "happy" with their weight. Uh huh... so happy that's why they won't even go to a beach and every now and then ask for advice - then start being hateful again?

    I seriously believe that since a majority of people are overweight, they do think that anyone that is fit is "not normal" and has issues. I have experienced so much stupidity since losing weight it's not even funny. I have everything from people dangling food in front of my face like I'm a dog to hearing I need "a ton of burgers".

    People make me sick sometimes! Keep your head high and keep doing your thing :)
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    I find that sort of comment so strange. Personally I don't get it because I'm not down to my goal weight. However my cousin has lost a lot of weight and is quite slim now. She gets those kinds of comments all the time and its so stupid. Realistically she is at a healthy weight, if she has always been that weight NO ONE would think she was too skinny. It's only because it is such a change! As for her face, yes it does look different to when she was bigger, but sheesh... we can't be perfect... There are a lot of people who have always been thin who have more 'gaunt' faces (trying to think of a less offensive word)... would anyone suggest they try and get fat so their face looks better??? of course not!