Frustrations abound



  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    bumping for ANY ideas which may help me- on thryoid meds myself :( not getting naywhere and gaining (levels "normal")

    Start a new thread ;) I'm sure you will get lots of advice from others with Thyroid medication issues as well....
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    The answer is very simple - just reduce your CARBOHYDRATE intake. To 72 grams per day.

    Read Dr. Lutz book "Life without bread."

    Stop going to the gym - it's a total waste of time if your aim is to eliminate body fat.

    There is no connection, at all, between exercise and body fat.

    Simply set your daily carbohydrate intake at 72 grams per dat and totally relax! Read the book !
    $10 says he's this "Dr. Lutz" character, and is pushing the book here. Any takers?

    His profile pic does look very serious, just like a TV doctor. I bet you're right.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    relax. its one week. you didn't get heavy and out of shape in one week, you won't undo that in one week. Patience, persistance, and take it easy on yourself.
  • neti_call
    neti_call Posts: 81 Member
    Yeah... the main thing you have to do is chill out. It's just one week. If you're working out every day you're probably gaining muscle and losing fat, and you could probably stand to eat a few more calories.

    Not for nothing, but acute stress, such as the kind you're exhibiting in your post, is associated with weight gain. :P
    take pictures and measurments. And it's only one week. Take a deep breath and give it a month.

    Not really jsut one week. It's been a struggle, up and down for the past 6 months or so with the same few lbs.
    Wait, what? Now I'm confused. You posted "wasn't able to lose weight this week."

    Right. Sorry. obviously a little flustered.
    I haven't lost weight this week. HOWEVER,
    I've been trying to get these last 20 or so lbs off for what seems like an eternity. I lose 5 lbs, then gain it back... then refocus and lose it again and gain it back. It just seems like this time I am doing it right and my body isn't responding.
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    The answer is very simple - just reduce tour CARBOHYDRATE intake. To 72 grams per day.

    Read Dr. Lutz book "Life without bread."

    Stop going to the gym - it's a total waste of time if your aim is to eliminate body fat.

    THere is no connection at all between exercise and body fat. Simply set your daily carbohydrate intake at 72 grams per dat and totally relax! Read the book !

    LOL. You win today's.

    Darwin Award?

    Thank god for all you good people!! I read this and was so disgusted I couldn't even reply!! No connection between excersise and body fat!!?? WTF!!!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Yeah... the main thing you have to do is chill out. It's just one week. If you're working out every day you're probably gaining muscle and losing fat, and you could probably stand to eat a few more calories.

    Not for nothing, but acute stress, such as the kind you're exhibiting in your post, is associated with weight gain. :P
    take pictures and measurments. And it's only one week. Take a deep breath and give it a month.

    Not really jsut one week. It's been a struggle, up and down for the past 6 months or so with the same few lbs.
    Wait, what? Now I'm confused. You posted "wasn't able to lose weight this week."

    Right. Sorry. obviously a little flustered.
    I haven't lost weight this week. HOWEVER,
    I've been trying to get these last 20 or so lbs off for what seems like an eternity. I lose 5 lbs, then gain it back... then refocus and lose it again and gain it back. It just seems like this time I am doing it right and my body isn't responding.

    if you have been on a reduced calorie diet for a while, I would suggest going on 'a diet break' for a week or two. Also, you may want to think about upping your calories, they seem pretty low.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Do you keep regaining the same 5 pounds while sticking to the same diet?
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    The answer is very simple - just reduce your CARBOHYDRATE intake. To 72 grams per day.

    Read Dr. Lutz book "Life without bread."

    Stop going to the gym - it's a total waste of time if your aim is to eliminate body fat.

    There is no connection, at all, between exercise and body fat.

    Simply set your daily carbohydrate intake at 72 grams per dat and totally relax! Read the book !
    $10 says he's this "Dr. Lutz" character, and is pushing the book here. Any takers?

    If he is he's posting from the other side, Wofgang Lutz died in 2010. I've only read excerpts from his book (written in 1967) it's just another high protein, high fat, low carb diet.