What should I do?

I've only been using mfp for about three weeks now. For losing 1 lb/week mfp has me set as 1300 cal + exercise cal. I've been consistently under my calorie goal with the exception of the days in which I have a cheat meal (it's also my rest day, so I'm usually in the red by 1000+ calories).

I just weighed myself for the first time in a month and I've only lost one pound. Previously, I weighed myself once a week and dropped a pound a week. I'm 5'3", my starting weight was 165 and I'm now 151 (want to be 130).

I think this stagnation may have to do with my eating. Now, I haven't been eating all my exercise calories but I used this link today: http://www.braydenwm.com/calburn.htm to get a better assessment of the calories I burn and mfp is dramatically over (about 200 cal over what I actually burned according to this). Usually I'm under my calorie goal by about 200 cal, so in reality I have been netting 1300 cal.

It's worth noting that while I'm not dropping weight I've been slowly losing inches.

My BMR is about 1530 cal; my TDEE accounting for exercise is about 2360 cal-- I've heard that you should never net under your BMR? What should I do:
a. continue my diet as I have it (now with more accurate exercise cal I will probably eat them all and net 1300).
b. set calories to my BMR and try to net
c. something else?

For what it's worth, I work out six days a week; three days I do Insanity (I'm now in month 2), and the other three days I either do Zumba, Kickboxing, Total Body Conditioning classes, or a combination.

Sorry for the novel and I commend anyone who actually reads this.


  • Ljordan_fitflow
    Ljordan_fitflow Posts: 64 Member
    you're doing everything right as far as exercise. what about your food intake? in particular, how often or how much starch, bread, pasta, potatoes, etc do you eat? i had this issue too and it wasn't until i changed my carb intake when the scale finally moved.
    I've only been using mfp for about three weeks now. For losing 1 lb/week mfp has me set as 1300 cal + exercise cal. I've been consistently under my calorie goal with the exception of the days in which I have a cheat meal (it's also my rest day, so I'm usually in the red by 1000+ calories).

    I just weighed myself for the first time in a month and I've only lost one pound. Previously, I weighed myself once a week and dropped a pound a week. I'm 5'3", my starting weight was 165 and I'm now 151 (want to be 130).

    I think this stagnation may have to do with my eating. Now, I haven't been eating all my exercise calories but I used this link today: http://www.braydenwm.com/calburn.htm to get a better assessment of the calories I burn and mfp is dramatically over (about 200 cal over what I actually burned according to this). Usually I'm under my calorie goal by about 200 cal, so in reality I have been netting 1300 cal.

    It's worth noting that while I'm not dropping weight I've been slowly losing inches.

    My BMR is about 1530 cal; my TDEE accounting for exercise is about 2360 cal-- I've heard that you should never net under your BMR? What should I do:
    a. continue my diet as I have it (now with more accurate exercise cal I will probably eat them all and net 1300).
    b. set calories to my BMR and try to net
    c. something else?

    For what it's worth, I work out six days a week; three days I do Insanity (I'm now in month 2), and the other three days I either do Zumba, Kickboxing, Total Body Conditioning classes, or a combination.

    Sorry for the novel and I commend anyone who actually reads this.
  • whoafitspo
    whoafitspo Posts: 17 Member
    you're doing everything right as far as exercise. what about your food intake? in particular, how often or how much starch, bread, pasta, potatoes, etc do you eat? i had this issue too and it wasn't until i changed my carb intake when the scale finally moved.

    I am usually under my carbs as far as numbers go but I do eat a lot of them (English muffins at breakfast, tortillas at lunch, etc.) I'll try to scale down. Thank you :)