Inspiration needed...60 pound weight loss goal

Hi Everyone-

As the phrase goes "long time listener, first time caller". I have read ad replied to posts but never written one. In the past 2 years I've managed to lose 30 pounds and keep it off. I have since re-evaluated and made the determination to lose 60 pounds and get to my ultimate goal.

Anyone out there who has been sucessful losing and maintaining a large weight loss goal?? I need advice, help, and tips!!!

Thanks in advane for all the support. This site is truly fantastic!!



  • moeviegrl
    moeviegrl Posts: 52
    I haven't lost a huge amount of weight yet but I didn't want you to get discouraged because no one has responded yet. I know for me it's hard to keep motivated but then I go and look at the success stories and they make me go "If they can do it, so can I". So form some good friendships with people here and irl and have a support system. Know that as humans we all make mistakes but that's ok...we can just make a uturn on the road of life and try again. Learn, grow, and keep pushing. You will get there. :)
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I lost 60 lbs in 2002/03 and kept it off for a few years before I got pregnant for the first time. In my first pregnancy I had gestational diabetes and put on 70 lbs. I only ever managed to take off half of that after my son was born. Well another kid later and I finally decided to lose the remaining 35 lbs again. I've now lost almost 20 of them and have about 17 to go to get back to my original goal weight. Here are some pics:

    Before - about 218lbs at my highest weight ever:

    After - about 158lbs on my wedding day in 2004

    Another after shot

    I'm currently 177lbs or so but I may aim for 150 this time... that would be 20% body fat. Then again, I'm quite a bit older now.

    As for advice, just keep doing it. Whatever you did to lose, be as diligent in figuring out what it takes to maintain. Maintenance is even MORE important than losing because you put so much effort into losing that you just don't wanna do it again. Trust me!
  • SalishSea
    SalishSea Posts: 373 Member
    mfp is the best for inspiring people! It has helped me like no other entity on the planet could! There is so much food science here. So many success stories. Never ending motivation. 24hrs a day!

    My weight loss goal was 52 pounds. I have lost 37 pounds so far. And I am very likely to reach my goal weight of 150 pounds. I never ever ever ever thought this would be me. But it is!!!! I am doing it. And you can too!

    One teeny-tiny little thing that helped me (among so many mfp things) was someone's picture is the word "FOCUS" written on their hand. Seems small, but when I am feeling weak and unmotivated this image pops into my head. I readjust my attitude and get over that hump. You can do this.

    Key words:
    Goal oriented
    Never give up!
  • biogirl2011
    biogirl2011 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks for the inspiration. I'm thinking a photo journal of my porgress is in order!!
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    This site is perfect to help you lose the weight!!
    Watch your serving size use a small plate to eat on.
    Eat lots of fruits & veggies Not starchy ones
    Drink lots & lots of water
    Eat lean cuts of meat
    Eat only good carbs
    No processed foods....this is the hardest one!!
    Keep it moving!!
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    <-- lost fifty pounds!!!
    started out at 174... size 14 or so.


    And now, 124, size 4:


    also, my "before" pic here is proof that I have pretty much always lived life in a bikini...regardless of social expectations :)
  • biogirl2011
    biogirl2011 Posts: 23 Member
    Thats amazing..thanks for the pictures and support. I see people who post "I lost 50 pounds, I lose 75 pounds" and think good for them..I need to start thinking GOOD FOR ME!
  • HealthyLivingKathy
    HealthyLivingKathy Posts: 204 Member
    I also have problems maintaining the weight loss. From a post on here I learned that I have always made losing the weight the goal. I get to my goal and I'm finished.

    Instead this time, I have a plan when I reach my goal. "From my profile page - when I've reached my final goal, I will begin adding 100 net calories per day back, and I'll increase my calories over two or three months until I'm just maintaining. At that point, I will continue to log my food and exercise every day. (Thanks Judy)"

    Just an idea. ♥ ♥ ♥
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    I also have problems maintaining the weight loss. From a post on here I learned that I have always made losing the weight the goal. I get to my goal and I'm finished.

    Instead this time, I have a plan when I reach my goal. "From my profile page - when I've reached my final goal, I will begin adding 100 net calories per day back, and I'll increase my calories over two or three months until I'm just maintaining. At that point, I will continue to log my food and exercise every day. (Thanks Judy)"

    Just an idea. ♥ ♥ ♥

    i have the opposite problem. I got to goal and i needed another goal. My original goal was to get to 145 lbs. Then it was 135. Then 130. Then 125. Then 121.

    Now I'm focused on strength- I want to dead lift my own weight with no injury. I want to see my abs. I want to pump out pull ups like it's nothing. I am personally struggling with the idea that I should up my cals. I know I should, but I'm scared to.....
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    Thats amazing..thanks for the pictures and support. I see people who post "I lost 50 pounds, I lose 75 pounds" and think good for them..I need to start thinking GOOD FOR ME!

    seriously. if i can do it, you can do it. I was stuck at 174 for the longest time. I remember just being so frustrated because i would make changes here and there and not see the results I wanted. For me, MFP was the tool I needed to actually make it work. People here are so helpful- such amazing resources all around you.

    and the fact that you can look at your cals before you decide to eat (if you have it as an app on your phone)- PRICELESS! Just today, I went out to lunch with my coworkers. I'm a vegetarian and the only thing on the menu that I could eat was a grilled cheese with fries. I ordered it and then i looked it up on my phone. When i saw the stats, that's when my mind was made up that there was no way i was eating it all. I had two fries and half a grilled cheese and walk away with 400 cals left to make something reasonable and nutritious for dinner! That woulda never happened to me before.I woulda just ate it and said "oh well"....

    also thanks to MFP if I WANT something like that, I can look it up and say "ok, that's 700 cals. I can only 'afford'400 cals, so I gotta burn off 300 cals which is approx 3 miles at 10 minute mile. I can do that!" Then I'd run the three miles before dinner to make sure it was cool for me to eat what I want.

    That kinda tool and knowledge at my fingertips to help me make better choices EVERY TIME (and not always perfect choices, cuz i did eat garlic bread today, but BETTER choices) that adds up to losing 50 lbs.
  • osubrndn
    osubrndn Posts: 32
    i'm down 60, i think 75, at most 80, is my end goal. i do alot of lifting/cardio and watching what i eat.

    i'm 6'2


  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    This site will do it! I've lost 55lb in a little over a year and am still working on it. I want about another 15lbs gone at least. My original goal was 48lbs but then when I met that, I thought i'd go a little farther.

    I am going slowly, I'm not in a hurry. So, I have times where I may hit a plateau for a bit but I just keep plugging away and eventually I change something and it kicks me off again. It works for me so yeah. Feel free to add me if you want
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    Key words:
    Goal oriented
    Never give up!
    Well, this does just about sum it up! :happy:

    The planning one stands out to me. Almost every day I get up and prep everything I will eat for the entire day. I stick it in a bag and it goes where I go. Having everything planned out and with me takes repeated food decisions out of the loop and has been a large part of my success.

    Of course, this planning doesn't always work out and occasionally I end up at home at the end of the day with a bag still full of food. But that's life and I figure why bother getting healthy if you can't live it once in a while. Stick with it and good luck!