Woman that are 5'9 or around this

Just wondering what other woman around my height are looking to weigh, starting at, trouble spots, current jeans size are, and whatever else you want to share.

I would love to hear from you!

I am 5'9 172lbs though I started at 174. I normally float between 150 and 170 range but I am done with it I want to be a normal weight and be healthy. I am a size 10-12 pants which I don't mind but I would love to work on my problem area which I feel is my abs and love handles lol


  • Gatominx
    Gatominx Posts: 61 Member
    5'10" here, right now around 158 with a goal weight of 150, then toning. I started at around 180 pants size 10-12. Trouble spots are the same, love handles and stomach. 6 years ago I was pretty fit and 140, but looking back I think I was a tad skinny so we'll see how I feel when get to 150 :). Just trying to make healthier food choices and get more active like I used to be!
  • duhrobyn
    duhrobyn Posts: 1
    I'm a little bit taller then that at 5'11. 5'11 and 262 pounds. I wear a pants size 18. My goal is to get down to 190. Same problems though. Abs and love handles.
  • Emv79
    Emv79 Posts: 245 Member
    I'm just shy of 5'10''.

    My biggest was on January 1st 2011 at 193lbs and a size 14 (which was tight). On my own through tracking what I ate and cardio, I was down to about 170lbs (23lbs loss) and a size 11pant in Oct 2011. In January 2012, I started with a trainer because I wanted to start gaining muscle and reducing my body fat (and had no clue how to do weights!). I'm now 157lbs (another 13lbs loss) but the biggest difference is that I now wear a size 4/6 pant. So, although I still check my weight (it helps me stay in check), it means much less to me than body fat and size clothe I can wear.

    If you want more info and input, try typing " 5'9 " or " 5'10 " in the search engine and you'll find a few topics where tall women discuss their goals and routines.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    5'9, Started at 180... Currently weigh roughly 150. Started out at a size 10, now wear a size 4.

    Biggest tip I can give you is start weight training now... Do not wait! I credit that, combined with cardio and MFP for making me the size that I am currently.
  • amanda3588
    amanda3588 Posts: 422 Member
    When I was 200 lbs i was a size 10. Since then I have gained and started at 250 lbs, which was a size 16 for me. Ultimately I'd like to be down to 160
  • bkscott5
    bkscott5 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm 5'9". My latest base weight was about 180. I had a tumor in my foot for two years that ended up putting me in bed for 6 months til a good dr figured out it was a very rare bone cancer and I had to have my leg amputated just below the knee. Because of all this I really don't know my weight for mist of the oast 2 yrs, but looking at myself in my cousin's wedding photos from a little over a year before the BKA I look like I weigh over 200lbs, but i must have just looked so bad because of the cancer cuz my jeans were still a size 14 and before the surgery I weighed about 186 I think. Since chemo was real strong eating a drinking were almost stopped, at one point in the hosp I didn't eat for a week and a half, only had normal saline drip, I lost about 60 lbs. Then I was slowly gaining some weight back and when I was about 140 I didn't get weighed for 2 months and weighed 164 at the dr. So I stopped all the junk I was eating but to my shock I gained another 5 lbs in the next month. So I went back to weight watchers and for over 2 months didn't lose, but gained almost 1 more lb. When I was looking for some nutrition info I found this wonderful site and I've been logging for almost 2 weeks. I really would like to lose weight, right now goal is 150 but I'm not sure that will be the end. I don't have actual jeans cuz I can't get them on with my prostic leg but for Christmas the family bought me medium (8-10) sweat type pants, but those can stretch so I'm not sure of my size. For my goal I think I would like to be an 8 or smaller. I'm in pain everyday from my leg and this has all made my back (2 disk) problems worse so i spend most of my time in bed. I'm going to try some stretches and some light arm weights. Last week at my pain dr he said thus was probably going to be my life, but we have one more thing to try which r medtronic stimulators. If my ins ok's the surgery and it's a sucres I ahold be able to move more and that will help burn calories. According to this site I get 1200 calories a day. Sorry this is so long, lots of info given. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. Good luck. Oh, I don't think I put my last weight at the dr, it was 169.4 I think.
  • ChurchGirl7
    I am 5'11".
    SW: 280
    CW: 253
    GW: 180

    I wear a size 22 in pants. (I think) but can wear a size 18 that I have also. I wear XL shirts. Used to wear XXL.
    My problem areas are my thighs, abs, and arm flab.
  • e_franklin
    e_franklin Posts: 4
    I am 5'9ish. I am currently 189 and I started out at 192. My goal is 155 although it's not a must. Before my kids, I was 150ish and I was happy there. I wear a 13-14pants size and I don't really have a "goal size", I just want my clothes to fit better! My trouble areas are of course my stomach/love handles and my inner thighs, I am having the worst time getting those to slim down.
  • SherryLohr
    SherryLohr Posts: 18
    I am 5'7 ish and I was happiest at 169 lbs. I was a size 9 - 10 and I felt great. My stomach wasn't flat but I didn't feel like it stood out either. I am 196 now and I have a goal on here of 140 because that is where the ticker was and I didn't fix it. But really I would be happy being back to the 160's again.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    SW: 251
    CW: 230
    GW: 160

    I don't even really know my pant size right now, I currently own a pair of 16's and 14's which are both slightly baggy on me, and also a pair of size 14's that I can't do up, so yeah, no clue lol. Hoping to fit a size 9/10 at goal.
  • cartea01
    cartea01 Posts: 156 Member
    I'm 5'9".

    SW - 182lb
    CW - 160lb
    GW - 154lb (although this is flexible as I'm now working on toning!)

    I wear US size 6-8 pants. I'd love to be a solid 6 but to be fair, I'm already pretty happy with where I am.

  • speedy000
    speedy000 Posts: 1
    Honestly the most affective way to lose fat. Is by keeping the carbs and fats low. Bump up the protein and keep to a lower calorie diet that gives you enough energy to where you don't feel sleepy. I lost 14 pounds in a few weeks by following the exact things I am telling you. When I was searching for ways to lose love handles fast I came across www.fastwaystoloselovehandles.com and it had all of the tips that I am telling you there in great detail. You must also stay consistent for progress to come. I am sure you will be at your target weight soon!

    Good Luck!

  • shaunte92
    shaunte92 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm almost 5'10.
    Started in the 190's a long while back. Got stuck in a few ruts after I got down to 160. Gaining weight, losing it again, regaining, relosing lol.
    CW: 155
    Trouble areas are my stomach and thighs. It seems my stomach will be the last place fat leaves from. I don't mind my bigger thighs I much as the fatty stomach.

    oh, i forgot.
    old jean size: 13 (in juniors)
    jean size now: 5 (in juniors) ... but they are getting pretty lose.
  • norabeth
    norabeth Posts: 176 Member
    SW 250lbs
    CW 234
    GW 180-190

    Currently a size 16 in jeans with a goal of going back to a 12-14.

    I have been plateauing - for the past 4 Months so very frustrated.
  • rachaellynn91
    Thanks everyone for the replies it's nice to see sometimes how taller woman are with weight loss and how we seem to be the same pants and have the same trouble areas! And I thought I was alone this is just wonderful! Hope everyone keeps it up and keeps kicking butt!!!
  • jackiecroberts
    jackiecroberts Posts: 115 Member
    I am 5'9 and my start weight was 179.4, now I am at 162. My goal weight is 145 althought I will see how I feel as I get closer to my goal. My husband does not me to be a stick, so I don't want to be too thin. I just have not been a normal weight in so long. I amfeelingmuch better shedding as much weight as I have. Hope this helps, feel free to add me as a friend if you would like!!
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I am 5 foot 10 almost and weigh 126. That was my goal, well, 125.
    I started at 142 and had lost most before joining here.
    I am a uk size 6 to 8. Usa 2 to 4.
  • kristyjoy16
    kristyjoy16 Posts: 24
    So glad to find women on this site who are tall!! I am 5'9" and 194 lbs. I'm a size 14/16 pants and my GW is 155. I might be the outlier though because my trouble areas are my hips, butt and legs and the first place I always lose weight is my stomach! Which is great....but that doesn't help me fit into pants hahaha. Would love to see a taller girl's progress in terms of waist, hip, thigh and calf measurements...
  • vivalawvegas
    vivalawvegas Posts: 13 Member
    5'9.5" here

    SW: 192 (though I was well voer 200 following my daughter's birth)
    CW: 172
    GW: 160 (I may reassess when I get there and push it down to 150-155)

    I started at a size 14 and am currently into an 8. I have an hourglass figure - big boobs, big hips, small waist. Pants are ridiculously hard to fit. I lose first on my waist and last on my hips/thighs.

    Measurements (just recently started tracking about 1 month ago):

    Waist: original 32, current 29
    Hips: original 42.5, current 41
    Bust: original 37, current 36
    Thigh: original 23.5, current 22.5

    Started working with a trainer about a month ago and adding strength training. I'm seeing huge changes and regretting the fact that I didn't start lifting sooner!

    Routine is something like this:
    Mon: cardio (30-45 mins) and core
    Tues: trainer workout (60 mins), all strength
    Weds: cardio (30-45 mins) and core
    Thurs: trainer workout (60 mins), all strength
    Friday: spin class (60 mins) and core
    Sat: long run day (60-90 mins), core and upper body strength training
    Sun: core class (30 mins) and kickboxing (60 mins), and squats/lunges/deadlifts if my legs aren't toast
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    I'm 5'11".
    SW - 196 lb
    CW - 175 lb
    GW - No idea...maybe 165 lb?

    I want to be a size 8, currently a size 10. I want to do standard push-ups and pull ups. I want to be strong. I want to run 3 miles without walking. I want to lower my body fat %, but not sure how low (I'm 27% now).

    My goals have less to do with the scale at this point. It's harder for me to be concrete about my goals and I'm struggling a little with that.

    ETA: Not sure I have any specific problem areas...I'm really working on slimming down by heavy lifting.