Hello fellow fitness finders!!!

Hey there everyone, you can call me Shush. I suppose I am very similar to the hundreds of you on here, all out on their quest to find the ‘happier healthier you’. I won’t go into all the crazy details because I suppose the most important part about the relationship we are about to start is the stuff that has happened recently. Within the past year I have lost 35 pounds and prior to that an additional 30. I am a young spunky chick who is looking to finish her weigh toss journey so I can reach the goals I have set for myself. I’ve been severely overweight for as long as I can remember and I refuse to believe that this body is the only one I am supposed to have. I have will power and know how to make good choices; it’s just that often times I don’t. I have a tendency to choose food before I choose me. I have decided to look at weight loss as making myself a priority over food. I have come so far and need to finish this. I will be the first to tell you that falling in love with yourself (even after weight loss success) is difficult but it’s worth it. You won’t recognize yourself at first, and there may be body parts that you don’t like, but just like everything else- I have to remind myself that I CAN CHANGE THEM. I am joining this online community because I realize sometimes you need people on your team who understand what it’s like to be working for the job known as “weight loss.” My friends are all gorgeous long-legged beauties, who as much as they love me, have no idea how hard it is to find a pair of pants you love, let alone a bathing suit. It would be nice to have the support of men and women who share the same joys and pains that I do when it comes to weight loss. Well now that I have rambled on and on, let me say that I promise to be as supportive and encouraging as possible. I know that without the support system I initially had, the 65 pounds I lost may still be stuck to my backside. So here is wishing us all luck on achieving success, no matter how large or small the goal!!!


  • NiLo4598
    NiLo4598 Posts: 29 Member
    Rock on chica!!!
  • ifyouknew
    ifyouknew Posts: 68 Member
    Someone on here has a profile pic with a quote I love: "The difference between what you are and what you want to be... is what you do." You have the power to make those changes!