Poll: Do you have stretch marks???



  • lucythinmint
    lucythinmint Posts: 239
    I have had them on my hips, inner thighs and back of my arms since I was 12 :sad: 6 inches in one summer and I was screwed for life.

    I got some on my stomach from having a gazillion kids but they are not too bad. They have gotten a lot lighter since then and I don't really mind anymore.
    My husband has them from when he bulked up in the Marines and I don't even notice them.

    This could also be because we just don't give a hoot either. He has them, I have them. What else matters :drinker:
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Stretch marks don't bother me on others. I have a few on my hips, and they're light. I have two kids, but no stretch marks on my stomach, but it's just luck. I don't think there's much you can do either way. If you're fit, they usually fade into the background.
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    I got the first set at age 13 when I shot up to 6ft, then the rest came gradually when I put weight on, tummy, hips, arms etc. The first lot have actually nearly disappeared, they are silver, I reckon the next lot will do the same to. It is just a part of life. I don't find them horrifying on others in fact it is a reminder to me that we all go through similar issues.
  • dolldreams
    dolldreams Posts: 245 Member
    I get stretch marks from gaining weight - and losing it too. I have them scattered on my thighs, belly, backs of calves, outer arm around the pit, on my breasts.

    They don't bother me because they are really light. They start out red but fade over time. 'Ya just kind of learn to live with them like moles or visible hair follicles after a while.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Yes I have them! Alot...Just from gaining and losing weight

    and stretch marks dont bother me at all on other people. Mines bother me though
  • jenstanley13
    jenstanley13 Posts: 194 Member
    i have some on my hips that i have had since hitting puberty and i never got above 105 pounds until a couple of years after hs so even "skinny" people get them. i got a few on my rear and lots on my boobs from pregnancy...i just think of them as battle scars and although they may not be beautiful the daughter that i carried when i got them is ;-)
  • wnwilli05
    wnwilli05 Posts: 19
    I have them on my belly and thighs. I gained almost 70 pounds with my first pregnancy so I earned those marks. I consider them my trophy. Without them I wouldn't have my kids and I wouldn't trade them in for the world!
  • coolteenager101
    coolteenager101 Posts: 65 Member
    Puberty= Stretch marks..
    Now I know how I got them.
    I gained 5' inches in a year.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Yep. On my shoulders from lifting. Got those in HS.

    Got some on my stomach from eating too. Got those more recently.
  • coolteenager101
    coolteenager101 Posts: 65 Member
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    got plenty.........some from lifting, some from my wife being pregnant (sympathy weight)
  • miss_believer
    Yup. Most of them are light so not too noticeable.
  • AshCakes88
    AshCakes88 Posts: 131 Member
    I had a baby so yes I have them. Doesn't seem to make a difference. My sister has them and she weighs only like 98lbs, never had children or anything.
  • jenn_may
    jenn_may Posts: 154 Member
    I have had stretch marks most of my life, even before I got fat, from growing so fast as a kid. I find most people don't really care if you have stretch marks or not. It's all easy breezy.
  • stevewynjones
    stevewynjones Posts: 1,143 Member
    lOADS. Weight training and weight gain & loss. On my belly and shoulders mostly.

    Stretch marks are part of your lives journey.....
  • 2April
    2April Posts: 285 Member
    Puberty= Stretch marks..
    Now I know how I got them.
    I gained 5' inches in a year.
    I have 14 year old twin boys and they have more stretch marks than I do. They grew tall very quickly and got stretch mark across their backs. Stretch marks aren't a big deal.
  • hanahlai
    hanahlai Posts: 281 Member
    My husband has them in the same spot. Doesn't bother me or him. On the other hand, the stretch marks on my thighs and butt annoy me. lol
  • angng
    angng Posts: 137 Member
    I had (have?) light ones on my boobs from when I was pregnant/nursing. Oddly, as HUGE as my belly got, I never got them there.
  • angng
    angng Posts: 137 Member
    Puberty= Stretch marks..
    Now I know how I got them.
    I gained 5' inches in a year.
    I have 14 year old twin boys and they have more stretch marks than I do. They grew tall very quickly and got stretch mark across their backs. Stretch marks aren't a big deal.

    Yes, this happens to a lot of kids!
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    Oh, I've got them! Some from my babies. Others from gaining lots of weight....losing now...don't know how bad they'll be...but it doesn't worry me anymore.

    Stretch marks on others...male or female don't seem unattractive to me.

    Mine are a roadmap that shows where I've been and how far I've come.
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