not eating after 9 just got easier

I have major problems with my teeth (I'm 21 -_-) so a few months ago I bought a water flosser and i started a new dental routine at night.
1. Brush
2. Floss
3. Water Flosser
4. Mouthwash

The whole thing takes about 5-7 minutes to do and after my teeth feel SO nice that I refuse to each just so that I wont ruin that feeling and gave to go through the whole process again! No cavities and im thinner, win win.


  • gardengals
    gardengals Posts: 46 Member
    What a great idea...after I go through the trouble of brushing, flossing, mouthwashing I really won't want to eat!
  • Jesse_Hunter
    Jesse_Hunter Posts: 162 Member
    Also, It seems good to point out that Mint, as well as spicy food are appetite suppressants.

    Good luck!
  • ifyouknew
    ifyouknew Posts: 68 Member
    My routine isn't as involved as yours- I just brush and floss at night- but I always do it after I think I'm finished eating for the day. Then I'm too lazy to do it again, so I don't eat anything else. My boyfriend will offer me something and I will say, 'Sorry, I just flossed.' It works!