varicose they ever just disappear?

Maybe a strange question, I'm not sure if this is the board to put it on but: I made it through 2 whole pregnancies and 6 months of the last one before ever getting a varicose vein, then got one right at the end! It is huge and runs from the front of my upper thigh, around my knee and back down my calf. Is there anything (non-surgical) that I can do to make it go away? My legs are pretty muscular (I carry weight in my upper body) but I hate wearing shorts or skirts because I feel like it is blinding! I read somewhere that they can get worse with age- too bad I got mine when I was 25! Any advice is appreciated!:smile:


  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I worked for surgeons who did vein repairs occasionally. The problem is that veins have little valves in them to keep the blood flowing in one direction. If one or more of the valves "blows out" the blood will collect, which causes a varicose vein. From what I understand, the only way to fix the problem is to have surgery.
  • jcd1701
    jcd1701 Posts: 1
    Hi. My father-in-law, Dr. Henry Train is a Board Certified Phlebologist and fixes varicose veins on a daily basis. Procedures now can be done in office and are minimally invasive. I have never had one fixed but I think I'm developing some vein issues. You should look for a Board Certified Phlebologist in your area. You could check out or and feel free to look over for some information as well. Most insurances do cover the procedures and recovery is quick.
  • erogers85
    erogers85 Posts: 32
    Thanks for the info!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I know someone who had a vein treatment. The basic procedure was to inject some stuff into the veins and then she had to wear compression stockings for a week. The doctor had a special on Living Social (or Groupon, one of those) and it was only like $150. Results look like she never even had a problem.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    No they don't ever disappear, they just get bigger and worse. My advice would be take care of it while it is a smaller problem, don't wait until it becomes a bigger problem like I did!
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    I read that depending on the severity of the varicose veins that you have - Weight loss & healthier foods can SOMETIMES clear them up without surgery...If I can find where I saw it at I will post it on here....I was looking it up b/c I noticed a while back that I have a couple of them that are very noticeable to me (not sure if others have noticed though)....So, I was looking up information on them b/c they also run in my family. I hope this helps b/c I don't think an injection is the ONLY option.
  • andy2486
    andy2486 Posts: 93 Member
    My grandmother had one removed from her leg when she was younger and would have used it for a heart surgery later in life but she had it taken out. I have one in my left calf and I am keeping it. It has never given me any problems and I have had it for as long as I can remember (like age 12). I used to be ashamed of it, but I decided "who cares!" because I don't. :) Maybe talk to your doctor and see what they say. They might say wait until it bothers you. Good luck! :)
  • atay18
    atay18 Posts: 39 Member
    I've had vericose veins since I was about 15, thanks genetics! When I was 24 I got them removed with surgery, but some new ones have re-appeared. They pretty much won't go away. Its like damning a river; the water has to go somewhere. When a vein closes, the blood has to go somewhere and the new vein in goes to may be just as weak as the one that was closed. If your veins are painful, you can wear compression stockings until you get the surgery. Definitely talk to a doctor in your area. I had my GP refer me to a vein doctor.
  • atay18
    atay18 Posts: 39 Member
    Excess weight can exacerbate the problem, same with high impact exercises. I first started having pain in my legs when I was training for a 10K and running 10-20 miles a week. You also should watch your salt intake and not cross your legs at your knees. Or ever.
  • Jameson287
    I used to suffer from varicose veins in my legs for years. I work full time and my wife is disabled so I could not take the time off work that was required to have the vein stripping treatment. I tried to just ignore it and hoped that maybe they would just go away on their own. However, the problem has only gotten worse. I had pains, heaviness, and trouble walking, not to mention ugly legs. A friend of mine told me that their sister had found an alternative solution at USA Vein Clinics and the best part was that she went back to her daily life the same day. I thought it couldn’t hurt to look into. I made my appointment to go in for my consultation and setup for the procedure. I didn’t have to go be admitted into a hospital, instead they perform the procedure in office and I was surprised at how fast I was done, it only took about 10 minutes. After the procedure, they set me up with a convenient follow up appointment to make sure everything okay and also to make sure that I don’t have any other veins in my legs that are becoming abnormal. The staff at USA Vein Clinics is professional and know what they are doing. My legs are now completely healed and I was able to go back to work right after the procedure. AMAZING!! The best part was that my insurance covered this procedure 100%. The EVLT procedure has worked wonders for me and I want everyone out there to know that they do not have to suffer with this problem and I encourage you to check out USA Vein Clinics, my HEROS!!!
  • Cazzy34
    Cazzy34 Posts: 159 Member
    I've had vericose veins since I was about 15, thanks genetics! When I was 24 I got them removed with surgery, but some new ones have re-appeared. They pretty much won't go away. Its like damning a river; the water has to go somewhere. When a vein closes, the blood has to go somewhere and the new vein in goes to may be just as weak as the one that was closed. If your veins are painful, you can wear compression stockings until you get the surgery. Definitely talk to a doctor in your area. I had my GP refer me to a vein doctor.

    ^^this exactly!

    I have had mine stripped out twice. I have another one appearing but I would not go through the surgery again! I will keep the unsightly veins thanks!!

    If you are prone to them then there is a chance they will just come back!

    Depending on the vein they can be lazer treated, it just depends on your vein. It was my long saphenous vein that caused mine and that had to be stripped to solve my problem.

    I hope you get the answer you want. Good luck. Xx