How did you come up with you're GOAL weight?

I wonder how people come up with their goal weight. I came up with my most recent one because I think I weighed around 143 after I graduated high school.... The reason I am asking because I am wondering if I need to re-evaluate my GOAL WEIGHT???

So, I am nearing my intended goal weight of 143 lbs. (currently at 146.8 and 28.5% body fat) and wondering if I should adjust my goal? I am now wearing a size 10 jeans but they are getting loose and I will be needing to shop for size 8's soon.

Let me first say that this time around loosing weight, oddly enough, was not about loosing weight, for me. I knew I needed to, and knew I was overweight, BUT I have lost weight MANY MANY times before - and ended up gaining alot of it back because I simply had poor eating habits and coping skills. So this time, I had a different goal, to learn how to have a healthy relationship with food. One that didn't use food to feed my emotions, to curb my bordem, to keep me company while I watched tv or to put me in a comatosed state while I numbly consumed large amounts of calories to black out the stressors of my day!

The benefit of my "tuning into" my body and improving my relationship with food is that I lost just shy of 33 pounds since mid November 2011. (At that time I weight 178.6 and 38.5% body fat and was quickly outgrowing my size 14 pants and nearing the point of having to buy 16's.)

Of course, with that said, I had to come up with measurable outcomes of my efforts, thus the number on the scale (as well as smaller sized clothes, loss of body fat, getting into the normal zone of my BMI and improving my physical abilities and stamina) not to mention how I feel and look.

All of those things aside, I have to question if I need to lower my goal weight. I am 5'6" with a medium to large-ish frame and tend to build muscle with relative ease despite being a female, which I am happy about!

Anyway, I just got into the normal BMI range but still at the high end of the recommended weight and BMI. I took the average of the low and high end (according to MyFitnessPal program) and that average was 138.7 pounds. I am not trying to be a skinny thing, just get to a weight which feels comfortable to me (which I do now) and that I will be able to maintain, for my lifetime, not just for this summer...

I wonder more, if I should just have a DANGER ZONE weight that I do not ever want to go above, such as150? If I continue to lose great, if not, just don't freak out about a few pounds here and there unless it hits the DANGER ZONE.

I am beginning to wonder, if the old "fat" me is telling me I don't need to loose anymore weight. Oddly enough, its strange to think of myseslf as NOT the fat girl, anymore.... Maybe my mind needs to catch up with my thinner body? I haven't worn under a size 10 that I can recall, ever, even in high school... Maybe my brain just can't process that?

Any thoughts?


  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    You've talked a lot about your relationship to your weight but I didn't see any real reason you shouldn't shoot for your goal weight. There is nothing wrong or unhealthy about a 5'6 woman wearing a size 8 in jeans. If you're tired of trying to lose weight, maintain where you're happy. If you feel like you're up for seeing what it's like to be even thinner, keep going. You have a long way to go before you get out of a healthy BMI range (which is under 115 for 5'6 women). I think having a comfort zone rather than a specific number is a really good approach.

    Edited to add - Sorry, I didn't really answer how I came up with my goal weight. Basically, it's the lowest weight at which I have been without unhealthy measures to achieve and maintain. I like being skinny but any skinnier than my goal weight is a full time job and I am busy enough as it is.
  • anabell31
    anabell31 Posts: 268
    My doctor said "This is an average and healthy weight of girls your age and height", so I've been shooting for that
  • madeinforks
    madeinforks Posts: 50 Member
    It really depends on you and how you feel! I know I am the same height and I have set my goal for 150 because I know that i just look too thin under that your bone structure and how your body shape and form is has a lot to do with how you look also..I have been exercising and toning so even though I still have some pounds to go to my goal.. I feel that I look good now due to that regardless of the size of my clothing due to the fact that as I have lost weight i have worked hard at maintaining a level of fitness as I go..Good luck on getting to your goal! Looks like you are very close!
  • fajitatx
    fajitatx Posts: 36
    i choose my goal weight of 210, sort of randomly, I didn't do any research or anything really. I think it is because my dad once told me he weighed about like 205 or 210 and he is about my same height. So thinking that is what he weighed back then, sort of made me think it would be a good weight.

    After seeing a nutritionist, they did my BMI (via Dual-Xray body composition scan) and they said that my 'proper' weight would be like 185-190, I told them that was not going to happen, which maybe it will, but I haven't been that weight since I was a kid, not once in my adult life. I told them that I had thought I would like to be around 210, and she said that if I put on about 6lbs of muscle then 205-210 would be a good weight.

    I can't wait to see how much muscle I have put on, I am going to be going back for another scan in a few weeks.
  • itsrierie
    itsrierie Posts: 28
    I took how much I weighed when I finished high school, minus two more kilos. I took the lowest "healthy" weight as well -- actually, the lowest healthy weight recommended for me was 49 kilos, and if I hit that I'd be amazed. Basically, I want to be 50 - 55kgs.
  • kabbit42
    kabbit42 Posts: 85
    I'm not really into weighing myself just for sanity issues, but my goal weight is 140 because that is what I weighed right before prom. Once I get there I'll adjust to see if I have an ultimate goal weight. Ideally I am shooting for a size 6/8 in pants, so matter how much I weigh.
  • mrsnathanandrew
    mrsnathanandrew Posts: 631 Member
    I honestly don't know how I chose my goal weight. I'm 5'9, and my goal is 145, it's just a number I've kinda been obsessed with for some reason. I've ALWAYS been the fat girl, so it just appealed to me. I also know that I want to wear a size 6-8 in jeans, but to be honest, I'll probably just stop when I feel good about me. Whether thats 145, or 160 it doesn't matter.
  • EchoOfYourPast
    EchoOfYourPast Posts: 459 Member
    I chose my goal weight at the weight i was back down to after having my 3 children (last born when i was 23). Sometime after i turned weight slowly increased until i am where i am now. I think this will be a good weight for me as long as i stay healthy with it. Pre-pregnancy i was 15 lbs smaller...but i was also 16.
    San :)
  • Fathima0712
    Fathima0712 Posts: 177 Member
    Mine is the weight of my Best Friend who is the same height and build as me..she is the prettiest and nicest girl ever!! and she looks super fit and healthy and that what i want to look like!!
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    30lbs a good round number from 215 down to 185... and if i get there i should be around 10% body fat.

    <<<<<<<<< my pic im at 200lbs and im currently at 197
  • greaseswabber
    greaseswabber Posts: 238 Member
    It is exactly 50 lbs lost and will be my lowest weight since high school. But it is still in the overweight range of the BMI, so I'll re-evaluate when I get there and probably set a new goal.
  • kikirina
    kikirina Posts: 4 Member
    I chose a weight that I feel happy in, that zone you hit where you feel you can wear anything, but can maintain in a healthy way. Took in consideration my frame and lifestyle at this point, and decided on a goal weight that seemed realistic and achievable.
  • mrsnathanandrew
    mrsnathanandrew Posts: 631 Member
    30lbs a good round number from 215 down to 185... and if i get there i should be around 10% body fat.

    <<<<<<<<< my pic im at 200lbs and im currently at 197

    Your abs still get me everytime I see your pic *swoon* lol
  • SarahKJ0704
    SarahKJ0704 Posts: 25
    my weight goal is 137 , its what i weighed a year and a half ago and i LOVED the way i looked ! i even worked dancing at a gentlemens club !! it's hard for me to even imagine that now !
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I chose mine because my family is about to be civilian side and I'd like to have low insurance premiums and not have to pay extra for certain things due to being overweight. So I picked it firmly within my healthy BMI.

    Honestly, I feel it will be a little too slender for me with the amount of muscle I'd like to keep. It's about 20 lbs under my comfort zone. I've talked myself into it by thinking about how delightfully muscular looking I'll be (since I love those kinds of bodies) but the reality is I'm afraid of it. The last time I weighed it was in highschool wrestling and I have the worst memories of trying to lose those last few pounds of water weight so I could fit into my weight class.

    Anyways, enough on my crazy! Hahah.
  • trinitrate
    trinitrate Posts: 219 Member
    Aiming for the weight I remember fitting in a 32-34" pair of jeans.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I looked up the healthy weight range for my height, and my goal is right in the middle of that.
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    I looked up the healthy weight range for my height, and my goal is right in the middle of that.

    I did exactly the same.
  • dolldreams
    dolldreams Posts: 245 Member
    I chose 140 as my goal weight because that is what I weighed when I got married 13 years ago. 132 is my dream weight because I really loved how clothing looked on me at that weight. I could wear anything at all and not worry about my body. 132 is about 3 lbs low for my height but I have a small frame and 3 lbs isn't a whole lot.
  • maricash
    maricash Posts: 280 Member
    I chose a number five pounds under the cutoff for a healthy BMI. If (when) I get there, I'll reassess. I think it's important to remember that any weight in the healthy range is, well, healthy! I think some people have the idea that it would be healthiest to be at the bottom of the range, but I think that has less to do with what is actually healthy and more to do with our cultural idea that skinnier is always better.

    I think you have the right idea in focusing on building a healthy relationship with food. It seems to me that a healthy weight is a weight at which you are maintaining your healthy habits, while staying around the same weight. Maybe just focus on keeping up your good habits and see where the scale goes. If you start to edge back into the overweight zone (your danger zone, as you put it) then reevaluate your diet and exercise and go from there.