


  • cherrytulips
    cherrytulips Posts: 109
    skeptical about whether myfitnesspal will actually help.

    That's silly, I've lost over 25 pounds using this website....

    And you need to lower your expectations. If you set your goal to -2 pounds a week, you're setting yourself up for failure. Start with -1lb per week, stop eating bread and refined carbohydrates (instead opt for complex carbs like I mentioned in my previous post) and allow your body time to adjust.

    Either that, or continue what you're doing (which doesn't seem to be working). I am not even trying to sound harsh, I'm just telling you what experience has taught me.

    "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results." -Albert Einstein
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    The fact is, you need to bear with an increase in calories for long enough for your body to re-adjust itself to a more healthy amount of food. Sure, you might see a gain temporarily, but from reading around here and own experience, your weight will start dropping after this initial period, as long as you continue to exercise and focus on eating 80% of your diet as healthy, unrefined foods. Bread does the same thing to me, so I only have it perhaps once a month and that's it. Same with pasta. I stick with fish, cottage cheese, beans, tofu, quorn, eggs, sweet potatoes, potatoes, brown/wild rice, quinoa and lots of veggies, as well as some fruit and greek yoghurt and as a treat, chocolate rice cakes, sometimes chocolate if I am craving badly.

    I am almost 5'10 and am netting around 1850 calories, and if I exercise for an hour a day, that brings it up to around 2300+
    You need to slowly up your calories until you are at least up to 1500/1600 and go from there. That is my suggestion.
  • llmichalek
    llmichalek Posts: 48
    That's silly, I've lost over 25 pounds using this website....

    And you need to lower your expectations. If you set your goal to -2 pounds a week, you're setting yourself up for failure. Start with -1lb per week, stop eating bread and refined carbohydrates (instead opt for complex carbs like I mentioned in my previous post) and allow your body time to adjust.

    Either that, or continue what you're doing (which doesn't seem to be working). I am not even trying to sound harsh, I'm just telling you what experience has taught me.

    "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results." -Albert Einstein
  • llmichalek
    llmichalek Posts: 48
    I seem to have offended some members by saying I am skeptical....I am skeptical because I have tried a hundred other things and nothing has worked. Not because I think this is not a reputable website. I have tried lots of reputable things, diet, exercise, even saw a doctor to be tested. I was only saying since those haven't worked, I am not sure how a website will. I am just looking for advice, which I gratefully accept. Thanks all!
  • DominiqueSmall
    DominiqueSmall Posts: 495 Member
    If you can manage it, I would see a nutrionist. I just saw mine after getting really confused on here and she told me not to worry about my calories as long as I was over 1200. We also cut out fruit and upped my protien, dairy, veggies and butters (almond and such) for a period to get my body losing again.

    She told me everyone is different and requires different things at different times. I have an illness and celiac disease so what works for others doesn't always work for me.

    It sounds like to me you need a professional to look everything over and help you figure out a way through the last 10 pounds.

    Also, with your bodies reaction to carbs you might want to look at gluten and see if that is what your are reacting too. If I eat gluten I gain an insane amount of weight overnight.

    Anyway, good luck and congrats on the work you have already accomplished. And your new baby!
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Are you breastfeeding? If so, the body really tends to hold on to that last 5-10 pounds until you wean.
  • llmichalek
    llmichalek Posts: 48
    Thanks all...

    No I am not breastfeeding.

    I will take advice and up my calories. I already changed my goal to 1 pound a week, which allots 1460 calories.

    I just started yesterday, so I just started logging. Yesterday I ate net 1068 calories. Today I ate 1300 and plan to have a glass of red wine to top it off later :) I did find it helpful that it tracks carbs and protein, and realized yesterday that although I was under on calories, I was way over on carbs from eating too much fruit, and under on protein. So I cut out a lot of the fruit today and added tuna and turkey, and I am more on track.

    Thanks for the advice on seeing a nutritionist. Maybe I will. I always thought they were for people who are trying to lose a lot of weight. I felt like they would just tell me I am fine where I am. But since I WAS thinner just before I got pregnant, I know I can be again.

    I also have tried cutting out gluten and just eating other carbs like beans and potatoes, and it didn't help. I did that for 6 weeks at the beginning of January. I saw no difference in my weight, health, or energy level, sadly.

    Again, I am only skeptical because nothing seems to work. But I am willing to try anything at all!! I just wish the answer wasn't a resounding "Eat more food." Ugh ;)
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member

    Again, I am only skeptical because nothing seems to work. But I am willing to try anything at all!! I just wish the answer wasn't a resounding "Eat more food." Ugh ;)

    Understandable to some degree. It seems you've got more awareness of how much you've been eating, at least in terms of calories, than myself and many others did before starting to use this website.

    Don't worry about offending people on here. It happens. There are a tremendous number of very helpful people on here who always try to offer support and suggestions and they far out number the attitudes I've seen on here. Some people like to believe that what worked for them is exactly what everyone else should do, when we are all different. Relax and concentrate on finding what works for you.

    Couple suggestions....
    -gradual changes. Shocking your body with sudden changes to diet will not get it to give up holding onto fat.
    -Portion sizes. I used to think I had a good eye for how much I was eating and I was completely off. I highly recommend you measure and/or weigh out everything for a while to accurately track everything.
    -Exercise. I highly recommend weight training in addition to the cardio you've been doing. Weight training means building lean muscle mass, not adding bulk. A lot of women on here have been following the New Rules of Lifting For Women, and it might be an interesting read if you're open to weight training. Lean muscle mass also boosts your metabolism because muscle requires a lot more energy to maintain than fat even while resting.
    -Be patient. This means don't weigh yourself everyday, or if you do at least don't over react to putting on a pound one day and restrict your eating. Body weight varies constantly. You have to take a longer term view of things and give your body time to react to changes.
    -Don't use the scale as your only judge of success. In terms of overall health, weight is only one factor. Body composition measurements, progress photos, and body fat % measurements are all good ways to track progress. You can reshape your body and get thinner without losing a pound, but you'll need weight training do that.
  • llmichalek
    llmichalek Posts: 48
    Thanks! Great advice!
  • llmichalek
    llmichalek Posts: 48
    I have been eating non stop ALL DAY and after I exercised I was STILL left with another 451 calories today! And that is with my 1440/day goal. I must have been seriously seriously under eating.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I have been eating non stop ALL DAY and after I exercised I was STILL left with another 451 calories today! And that is with my 1440/day goal. I must have been seriously seriously under eating.

    I know you are concerned about the fact that MFP might not work for you, so I NEED to tell you one thing that I wish someone had told me before I upped my calories.

    In the first two weeks you might gain weight.

    Eat at 1440 for AT LEAST a month before you decide if it's working for you.
  • llmichalek
    llmichalek Posts: 48
    I have been eating non stop ALL DAY and after I exercised I was STILL left with another 451 calories today! And that is with my 1440/day goal. I must have been seriously seriously under eating.

    I know you are concerned about the fact that MFP might not work for you, so I NEED to tell you one thing that I wish someone had told me before I upped my calories.

    In the first two weeks you might gain weight.

    Yes, I immediately gained a pound already since yesterday. I am going to try to stick with it.. I am upping my strength training and toning so that even if I gain weight for a bit, I will hopefully also tone up so I won't feel so bad! Thanks :)
    Eat at 1440 for AT LEAST a month before you decide if it's working for you.
  • llmichalek
    llmichalek Posts: 48
    Wow I really messed up that reply. I still haven't gotten this "quote" thing right.
  • llmichalek
    llmichalek Posts: 48
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Try waiting one week before you weigh. I like to weigh daily too, but I promise you that you are not actually gaining one true pound of fat overnight. If you are, you need to be tested for serious medical ailments. More likely, you are retaining some kind of water or actual food weight--but not fat weight. Also, with all the working out, your muscles may not be recovering well, and that could be contributing to the seeming excess weight. Try taking a day off of exercise, eating whatever MFP told you to eat (as long as the activity level is set honestly--if you are running around with kids, you aren't sedentary), and then weigh the day after that.

    Protein powder helps me a lot because foods I like are not naturally high in protein. Pea protein from Now Foods is pretty inexpensive and has 28g per serving.
  • llmichalek
    llmichalek Posts: 48