anyone know how to get bloodstains out?



  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    I have a bit of a niece slept with me because of the family shuffle. When we have guests over we shuffle sleeping arrangements around, that's how she got there. She started her TOM in the middle of the night and I have a bloodsatin on my mattress now:frown: It's not that bad.. about ther size of my thumb but anyone know the best ways to get it out???

    Right now I'm trying pet stain strength carpet cleaner.

    Hydrogen peroxide, pour it right on the spot, let it bubble, blot, repeat till stain is gone, it works like a charm!
  • AlmostHot
    AlmostHot Posts: 312 Member
    windex is good it can take pen marks out of shirts, tootepaste takes crayons off furiture and walls- I haven't tried it on a matress - good luck!

    This reminds me of the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding, you know how that Dad uses windex for everything!:laugh:
  • d5d14m66
    d5d14m66 Posts: 150 Member
    If you don't want to use hydrogen peroxide (it can bleach some fabrics), you can make a paste out of cold water and cornstarch. Cover the stain and let dry. The paste draws the blood out of the fabric as it dries. Scrape the dried paste off and repeat if necessary.