Lifting Heavy- Should I Expect to Stop Losing?



  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I'm getting the impression from you guys that the weight will go down, just "eventually"?

    Frankly though, after seeing what so many girls look like after hitting the weights, I'm starting to think it's silly to care about my poundage!!

    It can go down...I've even seen it go up (and the girl looked 20lbs lighter). Look at yoovie...she's stayed the same.

    The point shouldn't care. If you're a size 4, and weigh as much as a woman who is a size 8...does it really matter?
  • ehte_h
    ehte_h Posts: 293 Member
    From my personal experience, it did take me a while to get round the idea of the numbers on the scale not going down & I was frustrated but once you start losing bodyfat and inches it's all worth it. The best thing I did after going down the strength training route was to only weigh my self every couple of months. The losses would be small like 5lbs in 2 months but the difference in my body was amazing in itself. I still have a long way to go, before I reach my goal but i'm much happier doing it this way.
  • SarahSwimmer
    SarahSwimmer Posts: 125 Member
    Dang Yoovie! You make not losing look AMAZING! You should be a sticky!
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    I've only lost nine pounds total and 2 or 3 sizes depending on the brand. I LOOK tons better. And also, after you lift, you tend to retain some water as the muscles heal, so don't panic if you actually go up a pound or two. (Better yet, just go ahead and hide the scale)
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Dang Yoovie! You make not losing look AMAZING! You should be a sticky!

    That's just one small part of yoovie's awesomeness :).
  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    Thank you for asking this question. I've been nervous as heck about whether or not my weight loss will stall. I've been lifting pretty heavy for the last month, and so far I haven't stalled. I've slowed down, but I'm still losing every week. So long as my body keeps transforming I'll be happy.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    You can still lose weight, it just may not be at the same rate as you'd get without lifting.

    Definitely take measurements though. In my first 4lbs lost, my jeans went from too uncomfortable and tight to wear, to fitting perfectly, if a little loose.

    IMO lifting makes you look tons better, but then everyone will have an opinion on that and what they think is best.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    You can lose weight if you want, it's all about calories in versus calories burned.

    Most people, when they want to build muscle, will INCREASE their calories, because you need to introduce building blocks to build with. Muscle burns more calories, though, so the net result is generally a better metabolism.

    In your case, you quoted a very decent body fat percentage number. I'd talk to a trainer or get some help from some bodybuilding experts about what you want to increase your caloric intake to, what balance of fat/protein/carbs you want that caloric intake to be in, and get a regimen going. If your body fat percentage is anywhere close to what you said, I think your "weight loss" days are behind you, honestly.
  • laurcampbell
    laurcampbell Posts: 54 Member
    Yeah...I've decided to dump the scale. After getting so much information from you guys it seems like my scale-centric ways were really hindering me. I was seriously considering stopping all but only a little cario and going on a severe calorie deficit because I was so desperate to see "results". Now I know what real reselts look like!!!

    I am about ready to quit my scale too - only reason I don't is because it measures body water percentage and body fat percentage - but keep up the good work and I hope to be doing the same and increasing lifting to lose inches and not worry about the lbs.
    WILSONBA Posts: 197
    thanks for the encouraging words! I need to buy a tape measure, and stop weighing myself. i stopped losing weight and actually gained 2 pounds, but i feel great and my abs are starting to form. i'm thinking it's just turning into muscle, i'll buy a tape and see where i'm at. excited to see the difference, i'll have to post about it later.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Interesting read:
    I thought I would jump on the women strength training bandwagon and post some pictures. I lift heavy weights and I eat a lot, like 2000+ every day.

    Interesting fact: I have also never set foot on a treadmill in my life, ever.

    Just as a side note I've put on a full 10 lbs from my low weight (125) and I'm wearing smaller clothes than I ever have before. It's crazy what a little muscle can do.

  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    When you lift heavy, I'd still superset or triple set your lifts to keep your HR high and get a good sweat in.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    When you lift heavy, I'd still superset or triple set your lifts to keep your HR high and get a good sweat in.

    I don't superset or triple set to keep my heart rate up. I just move to the next set/exercise when my heartrate reaches a set point...usually 130-140.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    LMFAO @ being a sticky. All these pictures Im going to post are of me at 170. Actually the second one Im at 169




  • strunkm4
    strunkm4 Posts: 266
    I was a cardio *kitten* and lost all my weight. I then started lifting heavy, eating more, and haven't gained an ounce. My clothes fit even better, I have more definition, and my body looks great.
  • benflando
    benflando Posts: 193
    Lifting heavy will actually lead to weight loss if your calories are under control. This is because of muscle gain or just muscle density. Which will cause you to burn more calories without doing anything,(Your BMI is raised). So I would take a look at your diet before dropping the heavy weights.
  • SarahSwimmer
    SarahSwimmer Posts: 125 Member
    I was a cardio *kitten* and lost all my weight. I then started lifting heavy, eating more, and haven't gained an ounce. My clothes fit even better, I have more definition, and my body looks great.

    ^^^ that's the mindset I had when I created this post. It seems like there are SO many ways to lose, or NOT lose and look better that I was just trying to wrap my head around it. Even now that I've decided to "lift heavy" I have to figure out calories, macro per cents, frequency of lifting, how much (what is this 2/3 thing you men were talking about??) weight to lift. I have a feeling I'm in for a steep learning curve...
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I want the body I want while doing activities I enjoy. So the changes are life changes. I enjoy lifting but alter it to fit my goals. Maintain muscle, lose fat and some weight if possible.

    I don't want to be an cardio *kitten* in order to do that.
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    Just adding this old post of mine - so you have more pictures to prove, the scale is not the best gage of good progress. :)

    Heres some pictures of others that may help you.

    My results have been similar, I am 10-15 pounds heavier then my "rough goal weight" but am already AT my goal clothing size, and physically I am about 1-2 times smaller clothing wise, then last time I was at my goal weight (when I had less muscle) - So I look tighter leaner and smaller, then before at my "small" weight. (size 7/8)

    So to everyone else I look like I am already at my goal weight. But I am scale weight heavier, which is fine :) Ignore the scale.
    Less weight - yep you will look good dressed and may fit the smaller clothing size - but, add more muscle and a bit more scale weight - you also fit the smaller clothing size, AND look good dressed AND look good nakkid. Thats a win-win :)

    5 lbs heavier in after pic, but tighter and leaner

    Not same girl, but cute example

    Same weight, after was when she started lifting heavy

    Different girls but both size 4

    Same girl, before and after lifting heavy weights, she lost 5 lbs

    Stacy, read her story here: She is 14 lbs heavier in after

    10 lbs heavier in after

    10 lbs heavier in after

    Different girl, but both size 2

    5 pounds difference - big body change

    Fat vs Muscle
  • alibab36
    alibab36 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi don't want to start a new topic but had my weigh in today after 6 weeks . I have been doing strength the last few months but up the pace to heavy lifting six weeks ago . Anyway in that time I lost 4 percent body fat and gained 3 lbs . My clothes are loser and I feel and look better and I have lost inches most notably from my thighs which were my biggest problem area . Now I am fairly good with cals so don't keep a food diary on mfp but I will start from now on .

    My question is as I didn't see my trainer today is this good news . Should I be concerned re the 3 lb gain even tough I lost body fat . I am eating lots of protein and as I said I will start keeping a diary from now on . I know I am in a small cal deficit etc and eating well and look great . Did think as I was in a deficit I would lose body fat and stay the same weight . Not overally concerned with 3lbs but would like to know if it's sounds ok .