The HUNGER Games

Well I first got involved with MFP in July/August last year. It went really well and I was within sniffing distance of my goal weight.... and then it all fell apart around about October. I just got so hungry and never seemed to feel "full" no matter how much I ate. Exercise took a back seat (I reduced it at first then it just stopped altogether cos I had no energy). This went on until Feb this year. Having put back on ALL the weight I'd lost, I started again. Doing really well... within sniffing distance of my goal weight and NOW... the cracks are showing. I got food poisoning about 3 weeks ago (badly) and after not eating for a couple of days, I was ravenously hungry... and I think even now (I am fully better) I am still using it as an excuse as I literally cannot STOP eating. I just never seem full... exercise is slowing down too. I can feel myself losing control again. It seems I can last really well for about 2/3 months of being super disciplined and exercising and then I just think "f&ck it!" and go back to no exercising and eating like a pig.

Does this happen to anyone else? I can't seem to just find a happy medium with food. I am either over eating and thinking about food all the time... or under eating and thinking about food all the time.