Mental Fatigue VS Physical Fatigue

Hey guys, can anyone tell me how these two differ and how you can tell which is which?

I've tried googling but tbh I can't find any decent sites that will let me read up where I need to!


  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    This is just my personal definition....

    Mental fatigue is that voice in my head saying "Hey Amanda! Your legs are getting tired! And just listen, you're huffing and puffing!! You are never going to be able to finish this workout today!"

    Physical fatigue is when my legs actually feel like jello and there is just no glycogen left in my muscles to keep going....or when I feel like I literally cannot get oxygen from my breathing, no matter how deeply and slowly I try to take my breaths! :)
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    Having been in both types of jobs over my may years I can tell you that whilst working in a factory and when I was running a restaurant the physical exhaustion was such that it wears you down completely but after a quick 30mins nap you can wake up and go out for the evening and enjoy it. However, with mental fatigue after taking several hours balancing the books having been an accountant the affects are such that only a good nights sleep will allow for a complete recovery and going out for the evening is not an option.
    No doubt that is just the way that I was at that time but I was much happier in my accountancy days as I just love figure work.
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    Mental fatigue is a general sense of burn out & overwhelm - you are just doing toooooo much & you need to veg out or you will drop. It's counter-intuitive, but doing some sort of physical exercise, even just gentle stretching, can help restore some of your energy. Physical fatigue is so over-the-top that you drop before you even THINK about moving your body.
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    I don't know if I've ever seen a formal definition. But there are times I know that it's a mental thing convincing me to stop running. Either I'm bored, or just not focused, and I convince myself I can't do it. Then there are times I've really pushed myself to the limit and just can't go on. I don't know of any easy way to tell the difference, other than experience. It usually takes me being honest with myself after the fact.
  • eaglewind
    eaglewind Posts: 7 Member
    From the MS Society newsletter, here are some descriptions, which although written for MS patients, sums it up pretty well for anybody:
    1. Physical fatigue is extremely common. She noticed that fatigue made it harder for her to do simple things. “I would be worn out from walking from my apartment to my car, and I needed to take a break before driving,” she recalls.
    2. Mental fatigue also causes problems. “I get what I call a ‘fuzzy brain,’ where I feel like I can’t think straight or focus,”.
    3. Emotional fatigue happens for two reasons. First, depression affects about 40 percent of people with MS, and fatigue is a
    symptom of depression. Second, life with MS is, by definition, demanding and unpredictable. “On bad days, I get emotionally
    frustrated by the things that I would like to do, but physically feel unable to do,”

    Mantra in my house, is keep doing what you CAN do, no matter how small it may seem, and do more on the days when you feel better.
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Hmmm, thanks for all of the replies guys :) I'm just trying to work out whether I'm ACTUALLY tired or whether I'm being "lazy" in taking today as a rest day.

    I've not been sleeping well and have just gotten over a cold, so I'm thinking probably physical - as when I went running yesterday, instead of feeling much better I felt a lot, lot worse -usually with mental it'd make you feel more refreshed? Or, well, I know i've had "omg i'm knackered" moments, then been running/lifting and felt much more energised. In the case of physical fatigue how long would you normally chill it before getting back on track?
  • Karalopolous
    Karalopolous Posts: 574
    When I can't keep my eyes open, Im physically fatigued. When I can't concentrate on what I read 3 times or understand what someone said to me I feel like it's your brain saying "Me tired!!"
  • eaglewind
    eaglewind Posts: 7 Member
    If you are getting over being sick or not sleeping well, its okay to take some rest days! Your body will thank you. You'll know when you feel better, your body will say "I want to work out!" Mine does. Overcoming the mental issue is another matter. :)
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    If you are getting over being sick or not sleeping well, its okay to take some rest days! Your body will thank you. You'll know when you feel better, your body will say "I want to work out!" Mine does. Overcoming the mental issue is another matter. :)

    Thanks :) I don't normally have issues working out, so I guess it's best to listen to the old body here xD