Ground Hamburger or Turkey u decide



  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    i usually go with turkey burgers when cutting and hamburgers when bulking. But I do read the numbers.
  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    Not really much of a difference ! it depends on my mood and what I'm making. Some things are a lot better with ground beef while others are better with turkey.
  • mmklinemm
    mmklinemm Posts: 58 Member
    I grind my own turkey breast and mix it with a panade of bread soaked in milk.

    I prefer ground turkey breast over all the other options. I've been considering grinding my own because it's getting harder to find the 99% FF ground turkey breast. Where do you buy it? I can only find frozen whole breasts in the stores around where I live.
  • julysbaby
    julysbaby Posts: 97 Member
    I like to mix them both... it's good! :wink:
    I read somewhere that it makes it like veal. So i have used that to make "faux" veal meatballs!
  • future_runner
    future_runner Posts: 136 Member
    I initially went with turkey to sub for EVERYTHING until I really looked at the numbers. I like breakfast so it was turkey bacon, turkey sausage, and of course ground turkey. Then I really compared the numbers. The fat difference in bacon and turkey bacon is more substantial but regular bacon is so much more satisfying that I can eat 2 small strips and feel satisfied with my bacon craving whereas the calories would be the same for one larger piece of turkey bacon but it felt more like a healthy version of what I wanted. On the other hand though, I still do ground turkey for burgers and stuffed peppers because I like the taste and when I eat a ground beef burger, even though the calories may be the same, I feel like I cheated and am more likely to add chips as a side. Strange but it works for me! Good post