Workout after donating blood



  • slainger
    slainger Posts: 150 Member
    When I give blood they say no strenuous exercise for 3 days. I'm very weak after giving blood, so I really take it easy, and have actually had to stay home the next day to recover.
  • hadesflame
    hadesflame Posts: 95 Member
    I donate plasma twice a week and they told me not to do anything for atleast 3-4 hours after and make sure you drink lots of extra water. However donating blood takes more out of you than plasma since they put most of it back. If you choose to do anything, I would do something like the stationary bike but nothing too strenuous.
    It's ok to take a rest day too. :happy:
  • SavCal71
    SavCal71 Posts: 350 Member
    Blood donation guidelines usually say a light workout after 4 hours is okay - if you feel okay. But hydrate really well.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Usually after 6hrs or so you can do a light workout, obviously if you don't feel well than stop
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    Take the day off. I worked out after donating blood the last time and ended up with a hematoma the size of a golf ball at the draw site. Not something you want to look at.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Last time I donated blood I had soccer practice later in the day. Just drink a lot of water and have something salty and you'll be fine. If you're out of shape though then take it slow.
  • Lampy00512
    Lampy00512 Posts: 117
    I don't know if this was your first time donating or not, but the next day is usually quite unpredictable. I've donated 7 times and felt fine on each day of donation, but have experienced temporary lightheadedness and nausea the next day. I've got an appointment tomorrow afternoon, but am going to work out in the morning, and then take it easy the next day.
  • court617
    court617 Posts: 65
    You've saved someone's life, that's enough heroism for one day.

    Awesome way to put that... thanks!

    I appreciate everyone's advice! I've been thinking about it all morning. I really wanted to try to burn some calories today (this trying to lose weight thing has made me nuts!) but it's not worth hurting myself or anything. I can start strong tomorrow after a good rest day. I think part of my obsession in that I didn't workout yesterday, thinking I'd do it today. The donating was a last minute decision during my conference period. But 2 days without working out won't make me gain 10 lbs, so better to just work hard after all of my blood is back :-)

    Thank you!!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    You are not supposed to workout after you donate blood.

    You can workout the morning before but not after.
  • court617
    court617 Posts: 65
    I don't know if this was your first time donating or not, but the next day is usually quite unpredictable. I've donated 7 times and felt fine on each day of donation, but have experienced temporary lightheadedness and nausea the next day. I've got an appointment tomorrow afternoon, but am going to work out in the morning, and then take it easy the next day.

    I donate blood as often as I can for the last 10 years. I've never had any issues whether it's right after or later in the day, but I don't know if I've ever thought about working out after before. I think it's the starting May on the right foot thing that's in my head and forcing me to think I need to burn a few hundred calories tonight! But I'm leaning towards a rest day... it's a pretty good excuse anyway.
  • rodakowe
    rodakowe Posts: 20
    DON'T WORK OUT! Your body won't be able to handle it. When you gave blood they should have given you a piece of paper explaining everything to you, like eat well, stay hydrated, don't drink alcohol, rest etc. When I gave blood, i could barely get up three flights of stairs because it was so exhausting. I've noticed giving blood actually affects my activity level for a couple days, I'm kinda weird that way I guess, but I think it's just because it takes my blood a little longer to get back to normal. Everyone's body is different and you should be fine tomorrow. Please take it easy today though!
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!! Don't do it!! I felt FINE after I donated and ended up passing out in the car 45 minutes after I donated. TAKE IT EASY!

    What about 6-8 hours later? Should I still take it easy, or by that time it should be safe enough to work out, even just a little bit?

    You weigh 160, so after 6-8 hours you should be able to do a light workout. Note the two important terms, "should", and "light".

    A lot of that is dependent on your base health. How's your iron? Obviously good enough for you to give blood, but you've just lost A LOT of it.

    I'm 6' 3" and 220 pounds, I have iron levels that make it look like I'm chowing down on tenpenny nails all day, and 24 hours after giving blood I can still feel the difference in my workouts. I can get a good workout in, but I can feel the weakness, and I get tired a lot faster.

    I've also been caught by surprise as much as 3-4 hours after giving blood doing things that I thought were totally innocuous (carrying a heavy backpack, walking up a few flights of stairs, and one that actually caused me to pass out - walking up a flight of stairs with a heavy backpack on - thankfully a kindhearted fellow student caught me and controlled my fall, or I would have been slinky-like in the amusement I caused while rolling down a tall flight of concrete stairs!).

    So, hydrate a lot, eat lots of protein, iron-rich, fortifying foods, only do something that is safe if you got dizzy and suddenly passed out, and make sure you have someone you trust close by.

    Or just skip the damned workout for one day, enjoy a nice rest day, and take some credit for having saved a life (and blood donation does burn calories - your body has to rebuild those red blood cells - so DON'T SKIMP on fueling the recovery!)
  • Lampy00512
    Lampy00512 Posts: 117
    I donate blood as often as I can for the last 10 years. I've never had any issues whether it's right after or later in the day, but I don't know if I've ever thought about working out after before. I think it's the starting May on the right foot thing that's in my head and forcing me to think I need to burn a few hundred calories tonight! But I'm leaning towards a rest day... it's a pretty good excuse anyway.

    Good for you, for donating! Well, when you are ready to work out again, go hard!!!! :tongue:
  • sammi402
    sammi402 Posts: 232 Member
    They tell you not to do any strenuous activity for 24 hrs for a reason. While you feel fine, you have less blood. Blood is what supplies oxygen to all those parts you want to work out. Just take a rest day. One day off won't kill you but it may keep you from passing out.
  • AmandaLAcosta
    Please take a rest day.
  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    they actually tell you when you go donate not to do any physical activities for a period of time, I forget the hours.
    I usually do my workouts before going.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    how often do you donate blood? i assume it's not that often, so take a rest day. no need to be pressured and guilty that your not working out. in both eating and workout, the way you look will reflect what you are doing 80% of the time. i mean if you eat a little unhealthy or take a rest day from time to time, than in the long run it's what you have done most of the time.

    take it easy and have fun, which is also good for you.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    (this trying to lose weight thing has made me nuts!)

    If you're seriously contemplating a workout on the day you gave blood, it shows (just kidding!)

    Preach it, sister! I hear you.

    Remember - a pound is 3,500 calories. You ain't gonna burn a tenth of that in any workout you're going to be capable of doing today, and you'll run the risk of hurting yourself by passing out, which will SEVERELY interfere with your ability to work out for a lot longer than that.
  • court617
    court617 Posts: 65
    All morning I kept going back and forth between rest, a walk, a stationary bike... I couldn't decide. I knew I wasn't going to lift or try my 3-4 mile run today. I'm crazy, but not that crazy. It was just a matter of trying to get some opinions on exactly what could be done. Looks like rest is probably the way to go. And burning the 200 calories (maybe) I manage to burn on a blood donation day probably won't make or break me either way in the long run.
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    I agree with the rest day or a very light workout if you have re-hydrated yourself well. I'm not sure what kind of workouts you normally do, but I have an idea for you for the time you would have been working out. If you use any workout videos, you could watch the tutorials. You will be in a "workout" frame of mind (though not actually burning any calories) and it may help you have a stronger workout when you get back to it. I just thought of this because I will be donating later this week and I really need to watch the tutorial for JM's Fast Fix Kickboxing video...they go so fast! :)