Need gym advice

I have a few questions about gym machines and workouts since I'm sort of a newbie.

1. How high of quality are stationary recumbent bicycles in terms of a good cardio workout?
2. Is it bad to stick to a recumbent bike or should I use more machines?

I usually go to the gym 2 or 3 days a week and spend 20-30 minutes using machines there. Outside of the gym, I work out another one or two days. Generally I'm pretty active because I walk a lot on campus so I don't see the point of spending an hour at the gym. And also, I'm limited in my machine usage because treadmills are always taken (there's a line) and I don't like ellipticals.

Mostly, I just want an opinion/advice/tips on how OFTEN and how LONG I should be working out... as well as what exactly I should be doing there. Am I doing an okay job so far?

For reference, my typical week:

- Tuesday: GYM = 20 min bike, 5 min stairmaster => 250 cals
- Wednesday: HOME = Arm workout, Abs => 175 cals
- Thursday: GYM = 30 minutes bike => 300 cals
- Friday: GYM = 15 min bike, 5 min stairmaster => 200 cals
- Weekends/Monday: Rest (sometimes hiking)


  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Recumbent bikes are good, but I'd be wary of your calorie counts. 250 calories in 25 minutes is a pretty high intensity burn. It's possible, just hard, particularly if you're very heavy.

    Consider HIIT, or interval training. Have high intensity periods (for example 45 seconds) alternating with low intensity periods (for example 90 seconds). Go all out on the high intensity, and go at a moderate-slow pace on the low intensity to catch your wind.

    I would also suggest trying to go for a longer stretch on the stair master. My rule of thumb with cardio is to do it for at least 20 minutes (unless I'm doing tabata, and even then with warmup and cool down it ends up being pretty close to 20), but that's just me and I don't have any scientific evidence to back that up.

    Why are you only doing arm/ab workouts? Have you considered doing exercises to target your other muscle groups? I highly suggest you consider that as well.
  • skinnylion
    skinnylion Posts: 213
    I'm 30 lbs overweight and I use the machine displays as a reference for how much I'm burning. The resistance is medium-high and my heart rate is over 160 for a majority of the ride, so by the end of 20 minutes it's ~180. The stairmaster is ~60. I'm usually REALLY sweaty when I'm done so I don't think they're lying.

    Thank you for the suggestions. I'll try HIIT and using the stairmaster longer, but by 5 minutes I'm winded. I put it on a pretty high setting and use the "Fat Burn" program which is basically like what you described, alternating between hard and easy.

    I finished P90x recently and the Ab Ripper and Arms/Shoulders videos were ones I liked a lot. I also like the Legs/Back video but it's intense so I don't too it too often any more now that I'm done the program.
  • skinnylion
    skinnylion Posts: 213
    Bump? Any other suggestions?
  • ATLMel
    ATLMel Posts: 392 Member
    I wouldn't do the same thing every day. If there is a line for the treadmill, just run outside.

    Also, the calorie burn on those machienes is usually a verrrrrrry rough estimate. Try to err on the side of underestimating your burn.

    Most importantly, add variety to your workouts and I would also add in some more significant strength training.
  • skinnylion
    skinnylion Posts: 213
    Thanks for your help, guys! Running is a goal of mine to work on so I guess I should do like you said and try it outside. I'll also work on adding more strength training to my cardio/HIIT.

    I'm not too worried about the calorie estimates the machines give me though. I have been losing consistently each week so I think they are accurate.