Things that annoy me.



  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Few things from the gym.

    1. Derack (rerack? Unrack?) your own weights. Yes, it may just be a couple of plates on each side but I don't get paid to do sh/it for other people that are too lazy to do it themselves.

    2. I have now been approached TWICE by the same dude saying "how would you like to have a free session with a Master Trainer?" I admit, I have a slight ego issue so this may not piss everyone off like it does me.

    3. If you're going to claim that you're using a certain piece of equipment loaded with 500lbs (so I can't work in) ONE time in 45 minutes, you're a douche.
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    Too many things to list...but stupid twatwaffles who make me want to punch myself in the face to stop the pain of listening to them top that list.

    According to Urban Dictionary:

    The idiot that gets on your last damn nerve. The person you know that suffers from excessive verbal diarrhea. The one you want to smack in the face with a pick-axe. The person who has done it all and done it better than you.
  • Foxypoo61287
    Foxypoo61287 Posts: 638 Member
    When a server doesn't ask if there is anything else you need

    When a hostess speed walks you to your table and has already left by the time you get there.

    People who go into a restaurant to eat for free.

    When the prices on the menu go up and the old people say " but last week it was $9.99 why is it $10.99 this week....

    When you ask someone what they want to drink and they ask for coke & you say we only have pepsi products and they say ok, diet coke, and then you say diet pepsi? And they respond with what else do you have diet and you say Diet pepsi and they say I'll have a water.

    When people let their children run around restaurants. Like REALLY. Do not get mad when i stick my foot out so your kid can fall because i'd rather your kid fall then this steaming hot tray of food!

    When people come go out to eat, and don't have enough to tip.

    When people go to a bar and don't have their id.
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    When people chew gum, food etc and attempt to have a conversation whilst sounding like a cow.

    Dumba*ss teenagers who think things like huffing rubbing alcohol, attaching a skateboard to the back of a truck while it goes 60 km an hour and attempting to hang on, having their pants hang around their ankles, bragging about all those sexual exploits, and their complete lack of education is so 'ballin.'

    I hate that the English language is now becoming diluted with words like 'dats (that's the name of a bus here), sup (usual meaning was to dine), ballin (WTH?). I can't hold a conversation with my younger siblings anymore. I can't understand a full sentence, nor can I read anything they post.

    I could go on, but these are the essentials for me.