Introduce yourself :)

Hey everyone! Well, first off my name is Sara. I'm 21 years old and getting married to my best friend Sept 8th 2012.
Yup, I'm gettin married, and now I have all the determination in the world to lose 15lbs AT LEAST by the wedding date.

Little history..
Well I've always been the cute chubby kid. Then 8th grade I grew and leaned out some because I went to eat low carb and had my thyroid checked, pills, limited food and everything. But I still lost weight! So I don't know if that is still the case now or what. But I wasn't THIN, more like I had a lot of muscle underneath the fattyness.

I've played soccer my whole life, which leads me to having these thunder thighs that I'd love to get rid of, seriously.

Anyways, wanna know anything else? Just ask :)

oh and ps. I'm a professional photographer


  • mom4girlzfl
    Hi Sara, Congrats on your upcoming wedding! How exciting! :) You'll achieve your goals with determination like that, and you're definitely in the right place to get some support and encouragement! Best of luck to you!
  • AnnaYESiCANdoIT
    AnnaYESiCANdoIT Posts: 86 Member
    I also want to lose 10-15lbs and I am trying to figure out an exercise routine and diet that is gonna work. CONGRATS on getting married!