Need exercise ideas to put into my daily routine!

I am a mom of 3 and the only parent in the house hold that works so I stay tired. I don't have time in the evenings to work out. Usually up until 9 or so cooking/putting kids to bed/cleaning/after-school activities and just don't have the energy to work out in the morning. I work an office job and SIT most of the day... :/ I REALLY want to get active but I always feel so drained! Any ideas?


  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    Do you have a lunch break? Can you go for a walk then?

    Do you have a gym you could go to near work at lunch?

    If you have an office, could you close the door and do a few minutes of weights during the day?

    Simplify dinners or cook a lot on the weekends and eat leftovers during the week. Ignore the cleaning and workout instead.

    Sometimes, its just a matter of putting it on your to-do list to get done with everything else.

    Good luck. You can do it, but you might have to get creative.
  • telajack
    telajack Posts: 7
    I am a mother of 3 boys also. We have a xbox kinect. I play it with my boys, moving jumps squats, run, walk you name it the kincet games have it and it is fun for all. Play time with the kids and work out also this is great. :bigsmile: it will make you sweat : drinker: get your water ready....
  • I have def. thought of using my lunch break.. just gotta kick myself in the butt and do it! Thanks! :)
  • LisaF1163
    LisaF1163 Posts: 141
    This is my first post - I'm starting to try and lose weight again for the umpteenth time, and I seriously need to lose at least 30 lbs.

    I really think walking during your lunch break is a great idea. If you're in a safe area to do it, it would help. Just talking about this makes me want to try it tomorrow to see if I can get started. I know it works, because about 20 years ago, I lost about 25 lbs. over the course of a summer walking my lunch break. I was a lot younger, had faster metabolism, and didn't need to lose as much as I do now. But I don't see any reason why not!

    Good luck - let's both do our best to stick with it!
  • telajack
    telajack Posts: 7
    I am glad you are making the choise like i have to lose weight. Please keep posting and let us know how things are going. I am going to send you a friends request on here. If you would like add me we can help each other out....