Childcare course...please help

ChickPea89 Posts: 31 Member
Hi everyone,

I wasn't sure where to post this, forgive me.

I was hoping you guys could help me. I've been unemployed for a long time and I've decided to look into a distance learning childcare course. Has anyone from the UK completed one and found employment soon after? In particular I'm looking at either:

Children and Young Peoples Workforce – Early Learning and Childcare – Level 3 with

or a more general

Child Care Level 3 Course with

Are these courses viewed the same as say doing it at a public college? I'm so confused and google isn't coming up with much. Cost wise, distance learning is the only option and I want to get it done in the next four- five months. Is any one in the same boat, been in the same boat or done any similar courses?

Thanks in advance :)


  • Little_minx_76
    i went back to college n completed my nvq level 3 in childcare last year , it was well worth it , i already had a job at the time , but now im looking into advanced sign language for kids x x good luck x
  • ChickPea89
    ChickPea89 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Little Minx,

    Thank you for your response :) . Was your job already in childcare? Wow, sign language sounds amazing.
    Thank you, same to you!