Toning up with household objects. :)



  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    A person doesn't even have to lift weights to tone up. Bodyweight workouts do exist. I know that lifting heavy is popular on this group, but that's not for everyone. Lifting heavy is not the way. A six pack or muscular legs don't come from lifting heavy weights. A person can get both without picking up a weight. I know no one will disagree with this fact.

    I'm tired of people telling women they need to lift weights heavier than their purse. The only way a woman's purse will be heavy is if it's full of junk. A lot of women don't carry large purses. Some carry small purses and these purses can weigh less than a can of soup.

    If you want to lift heavy, then do so, but don't try to make it seems as if everyone has to.

    To the OP, you can use a chair to do chair exercises. You can use cans goods. You can create your own sand bag. Some people use sand, dirt, rocks, etc to make their bags. I've created me an almost 16 pound sandbag, using salt, large ziplock bag that I bought from the Dollar Tree, a pillow case and string bag.

    Get creative.
  • dolldreams
    dolldreams Posts: 245 Member
    ^^ Great advice!

    The guy in this photo actually has a fitness company that specializes in "primal" workout. He uses no weight equipment; just old tires and a few boxing bags to train people.

  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Bodyweight exercises can work. Curling a 12 oz. can won't.

    Curling nothing at all IS a body weight exercise. Some people have heavy arms. It won't hurt to add another few oz, will it?

    If curling nothing is an exercise than I might need to enter a Strongman competition because I just did it for a ridiculous amount of reps. I understand some people may not have strength levels to do anything high (hell I sure don't comparatively), but if they do, they should be doing more than soup cans. Nobody is criticizing those for starting off with this, but it needs to be that. A starting point. Nobody progresses without progression.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
  • mwcraig34
    mwcraig34 Posts: 359 Member
    "Toning" is just a combination of low bodyfat and higher muscle mass. Lifting soup cans and water bottles will just fatigue your muscles without giving them enough of a load to actually grow.

    You dont know what your talking about! I have flipped tires and lifted railroad ties for a work out! If you dont know dont post!
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    "Toning" is just a combination of low bodyfat and higher muscle mass. Lifting soup cans and water bottles will just fatigue your muscles without giving them enough of a load to actually grow.

    You dont know what your talking about! I have flipped tires and lifted railroad ties for a work out! If you dont know dont post!

    Yes because that is EXACTLY like lifting soup cans....:huh:
  • dolldreams
    dolldreams Posts: 245 Member
    Bodyweight exercises can work. Curling a 12 oz. can won't.

    Curling nothing at all IS a body weight exercise. Some people have heavy arms. It won't hurt to add another few oz, will it?

    If curling nothing is an exercise than I might need to enter a Strongman competition because I just did it for a ridiculous amount of reps. I understand some people may not have strength levels to do anything high (hell I sure don't comparatively), but if they do, they should be doing more than soup cans. Nobody is criticizing those for starting off with this, but it needs to be that. A starting point. Nobody progresses without progression.

    Moving at all is an exercise so curling nothing is one too. You move your arms and burn calories=exercise.

    Did you read the OP at all? She is pretty much AT a starting point as far as lifting is concerned. This isn't a freaking power lifting thread and no one said she has to lift soup cans forever. We are giving her somewhere to START because that's what she asked for.

    The title of this thread is Toning up with HOUSEHOLD objects not "how build copious amounts of muscle".
  • dolldreams
    dolldreams Posts: 245 Member
    "Toning" is just a combination of low bodyfat and higher muscle mass. Lifting soup cans and water bottles will just fatigue your muscles without giving them enough of a load to actually grow.

    You dont know what your talking about! I have flipped tires and lifted railroad ties for a work out! If you dont know dont post!

    Yes because that is EXACTLY like lifting soup cans....:huh:

    If she uses number 10 cans will you be happy then?
  • mwcraig34
    mwcraig34 Posts: 359 Member
    "Toning" is just a combination of low bodyfat and higher muscle mass. Lifting soup cans and water bottles will just fatigue your muscles without giving them enough of a load to actually grow.

    You dont know what your talking about! I have flipped tires and lifted railroad ties for a work out! If you dont know dont post!

    Yes because that is EXACTLY like lifting soup cans....:huh:

    You have to start some where! What is your point that if people dont lift thing the way you say it doesnt do any good? Ridiculous:huh: Right back at you! You dont need weights to get tone you just need to start doing something!
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Bodyweight exercises can work. Curling a 12 oz. can won't.

    Curling nothing at all IS a body weight exercise. Some people have heavy arms. It won't hurt to add another few oz, will it?

    If curling nothing is an exercise than I might need to enter a Strongman competition because I just did it for a ridiculous amount of reps. I understand some people may not have strength levels to do anything high (hell I sure don't comparatively), but if they do, they should be doing more than soup cans. Nobody is criticizing those for starting off with this, but it needs to be that. A starting point. Nobody progresses without progression.

    Moving at all is an exercise so curling nothing is one too. You move your arms and burn calories=exercise.

    Did you read the OP at all? She is pretty much AT a starting point as far as lifting is concerned. This isn't a freaking power lifting thread and no one said she has to lift soup cans forever. We are giving her somewhere to START because that's what she asked for.

    The title of this thread is Toning up with HOUSEHOLD objects not "how build copious amounts of muscle".

    I said nothing about building muscle. You are confusing me with someone else. However, she did fall victim to several of the fallacies that plague "women's fitness." Either way, like I said originally, there are plenty of good bodyweight exercises that will produce results, but imo curls are useless to begin with. Even more so if you're going to try using them for very high reps.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    "Toning" is just a combination of low bodyfat and higher muscle mass. Lifting soup cans and water bottles will just fatigue your muscles without giving them enough of a load to actually grow.

    You dont know what your talking about! I have flipped tires and lifted railroad ties for a work out! If you dont know dont post!

    Yes because that is EXACTLY like lifting soup cans....:huh:

    You have to start some where! What is your point that if people dont lift thing the way you say it doesnt do any good? Ridiculous:huh: Right back at you! You dont need weights to get tone you just need to start doing something!

    Really, because my original post just said that bodyweight exercises are good and curling soup cans wouldn't be. Disagreeing =/= looking for a fight.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    Let's all agree that you can start with anything that is heavy ish for you, but that you should keep progressing to heavier things. Add more water to your jug, stick a kid on the couch you are lifting superman style over your head, doesn't matter what you do but the whole point is to provide a sufficient stimulus for your body to not degrade your muscles for energy.
  • dolldreams
    dolldreams Posts: 245 Member
    Bodyweight exercises can work. Curling a 12 oz. can won't.

    Curling nothing at all IS a body weight exercise. Some people have heavy arms. It won't hurt to add another few oz, will it?

    If curling nothing is an exercise than I might need to enter a Strongman competition because I just did it for a ridiculous amount of reps. I understand some people may not have strength levels to do anything high (hell I sure don't comparatively), but if they do, they should be doing more than soup cans. Nobody is criticizing those for starting off with this, but it needs to be that. A starting point. Nobody progresses without progression.

    Moving at all is an exercise so curling nothing is one too. You move your arms and burn calories=exercise.

    Did you read the OP at all? She is pretty much AT a starting point as far as lifting is concerned. This isn't a freaking power lifting thread and no one said she has to lift soup cans forever. We are giving her somewhere to START because that's what she asked for.

    The title of this thread is Toning up with HOUSEHOLD objects not "how build copious amounts of muscle".

    I said nothing about building muscle. You are confusing me with someone else. However, she did fall victim to several of the fallacies that plague "women's fitness." Either way, like I said originally, there are plenty of good bodyweight exercises that will produce results, but imo curls are useless to begin with. Even more so if you're going to try using them for very high reps.

    You went from splitting hairs to back peddling and now curls are useless? mmmkay...
  • mwcraig34
    mwcraig34 Posts: 359 Member
    "Toning" is just a combination of low bodyfat and higher muscle mass. Lifting soup cans and water bottles will just fatigue your muscles without giving them enough of a load to actually grow.

    You dont know what your talking about! I have flipped tires and lifted railroad ties for a work out! If you dont know dont post!

    Yes because that is EXACTLY like lifting soup cans....:huh:

    You have to start some where! What is your point that if people dont lift thing the way you say it doesnt do any good? Ridiculous:huh: Right back at you! You dont need weights to get tone you just need to start doing something!

    Really, because my original post just said that bodyweight exercises are good and curling soup cans wouldn't be. Disagreeing =/= looking for a fight.

    I'm done this isn't the point of the OP question and you have successfully derail it good job hope your proud!:angry:
  • lizzynewm
    lizzynewm Posts: 199 Member
    (hey fitness gurus, believe it or not, you can be informative without trying to making people feel like idiots!)
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Please tell me you guys aren't serious.
    But of course. 18 year olds who have just started working out know far more than everyone else.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Please tell me you guys aren't serious.
    But of course. 18 year olds who have just started working out know far more than everyone else.

    I'm not 18 years old. But, lets remember that age doesn't make a person smart. Everyone on here can only speak for their own body. That's what everyone should understand. When you speak about exercise, you should pull from your own experience. I do.
  • AshCakes88
    AshCakes88 Posts: 131 Member
    I use 2 jars of alfredo sauce for weights...worked wonders until I made alfredo for dinner :indifferent:
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I'm not 18 years old. But, lets remember that age doesn't make a person smart. Everyone on here can only speak for their own body. That's what everyone should understand. When you speak about exercise, you should pull from your own experience. I do.
    Not sure I understand what you're saying. My point was the person to ridicule the OP is only 18 and just started working out. I was being sarcastic.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I'm not 18 years old. But, lets remember that age doesn't make a person smart. Everyone on here can only speak for their own body. That's what everyone should understand. When you speak about exercise, you should pull from your own experience. I do.
    Not sure I understand what you're saying. My point was the person to ridicule the OP is only 18 and just started working out. I was being sarcastic.

    Trust me, no one ever understands what she's saying.