Can someone view my food diary?



  • wranglerwomen
    wranglerwomen Posts: 96 Member
    thanks everyone for your encouragement and suggestions! i was also wondering what "quick" snacks that i could add into my diet. i have 2 small kids and need something fast!
  • RenVan
    RenVan Posts: 121 Member
    My go-to snacks are usually fresh veggies like sugar snap peas and carrots, greek yogurt with berries or a single 113 g serving of 1% cottage cheese and an apple.
  • wranglerwomen
    wranglerwomen Posts: 96 Member
    i am new to eating healthier. how do i no if i am eating enough veggies and fruit? what is a serving size? also i am not a big meat eater how do i get more protein?
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    I still have a question - Do you have any type of insulin resistance issues like PCOS or Type II Diabetes? If so, then your carb:protein ratio is off. Way more protein, fewer carbs. Getting your carbs from real food like vegetables, low GI fruits (like berries) and whole grains.
  • wranglerwomen
    wranglerwomen Posts: 96 Member
    no i don't have any of the issues you listed. why do you ask?
  • sharpeoplepc
    sharpeoplepc Posts: 84 Member
    As everyone has already said, eat more fruits and veggies. Also, are you exercising? Even a 30 minute walk 5 days a week would help.
  • wranglerwomen
    wranglerwomen Posts: 96 Member
    i exercise 30 to 40 mins a day doing elliptical or yoga
  • DestroyTheOpposition
    DestroyTheOpposition Posts: 444 Member
    Looks to me like you aren't intaking enough on most days. I always try my best to make sure I don't have anything more than 100 calories left if I can. You just need more fuel... also... avoid that fast food if possible.
  • ksumme
    ksumme Posts: 283
    I am told to keep my carbs each meal to under 45 grams. I do eat fast food from time to time, but work hard to make the best choice possible - like the McD Southwest Chicken Salad.

    I did see some commented on your low calorie days. Overall, you don't want to go under 1200 on a day, but if you do deliberate 'carb cycling' type days, then you can have the higher day and then a lower day - but it should be deliberate.
    Your breads should be whole grains.

    Good luck!!
  • wranglerwomen
    wranglerwomen Posts: 96 Member
    how do i get more protein that isn't meat
  • jlsAhava
    jlsAhava Posts: 411 Member
    i exercise 30 to 40 mins a day doing elliptical or yoga

    Add some strength training to your routine. Muscle burns more calories than fat burns.

    As for your diet - just like many people have already said... Make sure you're diet is filled with good quality, nutrient-rich foods - fruits, veges, whole grains. Fast-food and the other highly processed stuff you're eating is gives you a lot of calories and sodium, but very little nutrition.
    My go-to snacks are usually fresh veggies like sugar snap peas and carrots, greek yogurt with berries or a single 113 g serving of 1% cottage cheese and an apple.

    I love sugar snap peas! I eat a lot of baby carrots and Greek yogurt too (be mindful of the extra calories from different flavors and the add-ins). Celery and natural peanut butter - cut up the bag of celery in advance. Apple and a serving of almonds. Make sure not to overdo it on the Peanut butter and nuts though - a little goes a long way! They're a great source of protein, but the fat and calories can easily tip you over your calorie goal if you're not careful. A cheese stick is another easy snack and great source of protein. I also have no-sugar added applesauce on occasion.

    Best of luck!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    how do i get more protein that isn't meat

    Greek Yoghurt
    Nuts & seeds
    Protein powder
  • jms3533
    jms3533 Posts: 316 Member
    You need more fresh fruits and veggies. 5-8 servings per day.

    You're also eating a lot of crap... McDs, Chinese take out, pizza, sugary coffee drinks... get rid of the processed foods.

    I have to agree with the processed/refined food. I spend Sundays making my meals ahead for the week, so I have homemade meals ready to eat when I get home from work.