New Member, introduce yourselves if you want!

Hey everyone, my name is Maria I'm from Edison, NJ but I live in Oceanside, CA. I've been working out and dieting for a couple weeks now. When I was 14 I lost 50 pounds; I've gained a little since then so I've been trying to get back on track. What are all of your stories? I think weigh loss is easier when you have someone to talk to about it!


  • My problem is I have extra flab...Why did you lose so much weight at age 14?I am about to be 22 and I have a 1 year old. I have lost all my baby weight but I step on the scale and see 143 and want to weigh wayyyyyyyy less, even though I am tall I hate it!
  • I have extra flab too. I lost weight at 14 because during my whole childhood I was obese, my highest weight was 187 (I'm 5'2) so it was super big for my height. Congratulations for losing all the baby weight!! That's an awesome accomplishment! I know how you feel though, I always get caught up with the numbers. How tall are you?
  • hey! My name is Maria, and I am from North Plainfield, NJ and recently moved to Georgia. I have struggled with an eating disorder on and off since I was 8, and am currently going back and forth between healthy and unhealthy. my mind is confused about what it wants :p I was put on medication and gained 50 pounds, lost it all and in treatment gained some back, so I am tryuing to lose it again.
  • Hey Maria! (cool we have the same name!) I know how it is to have an eating disorder, it's a vicious cycle. I think you look fabulous though. If you just eat healthy, you can eat more and you will feel a lot better! I've been to North Plainfield! Sigh, I miss New Jersey.
  • hansenb2
    hansenb2 Posts: 3
    Hi, My name is Beth. I am new on here. I was very active in highschool, but now being out of school and having a kid I have put on quite a bit of weight. I want to get back to my old self. I know I have a long road, and hoping people on here can help me!
  • You definitely will be able to!! With a mixture of healthy eating and an active lifestyle you can get to the weight you want! I believe in you! I did it at 14 too you can definitely do it!! How much do you want to lose?
  • hansenb2
    hansenb2 Posts: 3
    I want to lose 60 lbs all together. I am trying with short term goals, so I don't feel like it is forever before I accomplish my goal. So right now 10 would be great! It would keep me motivated!!
  • That's a good idea!
  • PhatGirlSlim35
    PhatGirlSlim35 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi my name is Simone, I'm from New Orleans, LA but live in Houston, TX now for the past 4 years. I lost my job in 2009 and since then have been a home body. I love to cook but most importantly I love to eat and since I'm not active any more I've seen my heaviest weight. I was very active in high school and some what in college. I've always had a musclar build until it all atarted going to hell in a hand basket when I started to get sick in late 2003. I had two surgeries on in 2004 and the other in 2005. Since then I've been steadly gaining weight. I was on this continuous cycle of deiting and gaining weight. Once I would gain the weight back it came back doubled. So in 2012 I decided to do what I know works, healthy/clean eating and exercising.
  • Hey everyone =) My name is Jessica. I'm 23. I've been overweight my entire life. Since I changed my job 4 years ago I've gained a lot more weight. It's really hard to lose weight when your job has you sitting for 8 hours. Also makes it hard when no one will eat healthier with you. Still I really would like to change and lose weight so I hope this site will help =)
  • claire6495
    claire6495 Posts: 1
    Hi, my name is Claire and I am from the U.K... I have always been bigger then I'd like to be, although during the 18months run up to my wedding I lost 3 stone with weight watchers and was the lightest I'd ever been!!! Since then I've become a Mum and gained all that weight back and it has stuck there for the last 21 months :-/ but this time WW doesn't seem to be something i can stick to. My sister-in-law has been sucsessful in loosing weight with MFP and introduced me to it and i've lost 9lb in the last 3 and a half weeks, whoop!!! Just want to be a healthy mummy!!!
  • Hi everyone, Myname is Trish and I am from Sydney. About 4 years ago I got down to my ideal weight but have since put on nearly 7 kilos. I have been hitting the gym quite hardd since August and have lost 3kgs but nowt hose last 4 are harder to drop.

    AND this morning I broke my right wrist so I'd love some new friends to help me get through this and stay on track.

    Both Marias, I did go through an eating disorder too at 21 and got through it as I learnt about food and tried lots of new sports to help me build some muscle and stay healthy, so if you need support or guidance I am happy to talk.
  • um hi my name is Toni from Goole in the UK. I became a vegan when i was around 17 and i dropped alot of weight very quickly, which i see now was probs not a good thing but then when i when back to just being a veggie and went to uni i quickly went for a UK size 12 to approaching 20! I have struggled to get rid of my excess weight (which annoyingly clings to my hips and belly!!!) if anyone wants to talk or give me any tips it would all be appreicated!!

    hugs xo
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    35male, from Dublin. Been here 3 weeks, find it great, and am starting to see results.

    Welcome and best of luck with your goals, feel free to add

    The Big CB
  • proudmommy1003
    proudmommy1003 Posts: 329 Member
    Hi My name is Lisseth. I live in Houston, TX. I have a 6 months baby boy, I gained around 40lbs when I was pregnant but lost those 40 lbs within 5 months. Now I'm in my pre prego weigh but want to lose another 10lbs to be in my ideal weigh. I joined myfitnesspal today and I'm so ready to shed theses extra pounds away.
  • mxchippa
    mxchippa Posts: 2
    Hey all im from Melbourne Australia, i have been on here a while and have just started to take it seriously have noticed a massive difference in weeks with energy levels and weight loss, im into motocross, snowboarding wakeboarding and all the other good things in life so keeping semi fit is essential. Im about to start the journey of body building so if anyone on here is firmilair in this area hit me up and add me as a friend to help me out. =o) This app is very effective and has helped me a lot already, would be good to make some mfp friends along the way. Cheers
  • lcashy
    lcashy Posts: 34 Member
    Hiya everyone. My name is Leanne. I am from Liverpool in the UK I am 31. I would like to lose about 50lb. I started MFP on monday and so far so good. I am finding it easier than weight watchers. I have a dog which I walk about 4 times a day. I have also started back ta the gym. Cannot wait to see BIG improvement in my health xx
  • drewmish
    drewmish Posts: 1
    Hi All, Michelle from Melbourne. I have been recording what I eat and workingout with a personal trainer for 4 weeks. At my first weight in I was 3 kgs lighter and 15 centremeters smaller. My Personal trainer put me on this web site and it is a great tool for keeping me on track. I have only joined yesterday 01/05/2012 and I have a fair bit of weight to lose but I am motivated and looking foward to this journey.
  • chu604
    chu604 Posts: 353 Member
    I am living in Vancouver B.C. , Canada
    Love living here and have been going to the gym for almost a year now
    played alot of sports growing up but nothing organized since after high school
    I like being able to go on my own free will and be my own coach/motivation
    I weighed 240 lbs at 17 years old and was able to drop it down to 180 in 8 months of playing on the senior basketball, my own running & intense diet. I gained back to 210 last year then decided to hit the gym and am now back to 182lbs
    Feel free to add! always up to chat/motivate

    ps. also check out and give my page a like if you want! ;)
  • soulynyc
    soulynyc Posts: 302 Member
    hi welcome to the site. My problem is i gained alot of weight in the last 5 years.. im struggling to get it off. :) i hope to . i've committed to loggin on every day and logging what i eat. I hope it starts a habit for me that doesn't end. I'm hoping to lose 20 lbs . first. but i have more to lose. I figure doing smaller goals might work best and not overwhelm me. i don't know if you can see my weight loss ticker or not.. (not sure i know how to put i on here).. but i've lost 8 lbs (actually 12 but gained 4 back). so i'm hoping to increase those loses . I'm trying out this wendy plan calorie thing where you basically have low medium and high calorie days. not sure its working b ut i've only been using it since april 10. I intend to give it 1 more week before i giv eup on it and choose a more consistent /stable calorie count to stick to on a daily basis. Anyway, nice meeting you. i'll send you a friend's invite! I hope you have success.