How to lose weight and tone my body? -PICS INCLUDED-

Hey I was just wanting some advice on how to lose weight and tone up and how long it will take?
I am 152cm and 58kg's. I have put on a lot of weight in a little amount of time
Meal ideas, exercise, etc would be great! Thanks :flowerforyou:

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  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 160
    It looks more like you need to tone up than actually lose weight. I'd suggest Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred - I had pretty good results with it and my tone/strength has definitely increased.
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    You don't need to lose weight, no offence but I think you wouldn't look good any smaller.

    I think you look pretty good now but if you're unhappy I'd also suggest the 30 day shred, you could get it off amazon and it's pretty cheap, you can do it in your lounge and if you google 30DS results you'll see how much peoples bodies change in 30 days doing that program.

    If not it's time for a bit of lifting! See "The new rules of lifting for women" You'll see a massive difference toning wise.
  • islaybower
    islaybower Posts: 57
    Another vote for Shred. Your diary's empty for the past few days (unless it's my slow computer not loading it again), but really keeping an eye on making sure you're getting enough protein and fat and not too many carbs helped me make the most of my last round of Shred -I look much more toned than when I was just eating 'normal' food (which for me = very low protein).
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Pictures are a bit risqué. I am sitting here with my 13 yr old son and turned my iPad away from his view. your body looks good.
  • Tisha247
    Tisha247 Posts: 849 Member
    Where are your clothes love? put some on please, I don't need to see your bum cheeks
  • hedkell
    hedkell Posts: 121 Member
    Where are your clothes love? put some on please, I don't need to see your bum cheeks

    What she said!! lol
  • Hightower2012
    Ugghhh! I hate it when people under 200lbs complain about their weight...
  • militarydreams
    militarydreams Posts: 198 Member
    MFP goes softcore :laugh:
  • jenken99
    jenken99 Posts: 564 Member
    i would agree,, i blieve a bathing suit would have been a good idea... any how you like just need to tone up,,,,
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    Ugghhh! I hate it when people under 200lbs complain about their weight...

    I agree with that comments that a little bit too much flesh on show here, but I don't agree with this ^^^ You don't have to wait til you have a weight problem to worry about your weight.

    That said, the OP hasn't got a lot to lose - an exercise regime is probably more important here than diet as other have already said.
  • tansygreen
    tansygreen Posts: 85 Member
    I know it can be weird when you hit late teens/early 20's and your body changes. The same happened to me, and I went from being able to eat absolutely anything and never putting on weight, to noticing things changing in my shape. Probably due to a few things; Hormones, Growth slowing down, Start drinking alcohol? (basically just like eating bags of sugar!), Lifestyle more sedentary (eg got a job in an office?). First of all don't worry, you look great. Your height and weight are pretty normal.
    Your body is becoming an adult one, and you just need to make sure you give it more TLC than before. Less chocolate and junk food, more exercise. Remember that drinks count too, alcohol, shakes, soda etc. have loads of calories!

    Please don't worry - you have a great body, and from your pic your skin, hair, eyes everything look really healthy. I love the earlier suggestions of 30 day shred or similar.
  • Finally22
    Finally22 Posts: 305 Member
    Where are your clothes love? put some on please, I don't need to see your bum cheeks

    What she said!! lol

  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    30 day shred is a great idea. You may want to invest in a bra though. You will need your hands for push ups of a different kind :)
    TAMMYCLARK62 Posts: 102
    seriously you really should put on some clothes......this is the internet don't know what kind of people are looking at this besides MFP and where your pics will end up.......and I think you just need to exercise agreeing along with the others here on MFP
  • Natalie182
    Natalie182 Posts: 61 Member
    Hey, im a tad taller than you im 5'2 and i weigh about 57kg,
    I looked at your picture and thought you had a good body and reminded me of mine a little and that was before i saw your weight/height, you've actually just made me realise my body isnt bad at all, and you have a good bum. So thanks... I know being small any extra weight makes you feel massive, because thats how i feel after having my daughter..
    I agree with the 30 day shred comment, ive just started level 2 and its making me feel good =] x
  • AshinAms
    AshinAms Posts: 283 Member
    Your ticker says that you have 17 kg to lose, which seems a bit extreme! You would be far better off taking up a sport - gym, running, kickboxing, etc, something that will make you stronger and fitter than trying to lose weight. Watching what you put in your body is always a good idea - fresh veg, fruit, protein, no junk (well, sometimes!)
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Focus on strength training. Lift some weights!! :)
  • moodymarble
    moodymarble Posts: 182 Member
    Where are your clothes love? put some on please, I don't need to see your bum cheeks

    What she said!! lol

    Oh good grief! The poor girl only posted the pics to ask for advice n here you are being judgemental! I think you look great. Yes definitely try the shred if you wanna tone up!
  • alp1990
    alp1990 Posts: 56
    You really didn't need to post up half naked pictures of yourself to get meal and exercise ideas...
  • solarpower03
    solarpower03 Posts: 12,161 Member
    Focus on strength training. Lift some weights!! :)

    This, albeit heavy.