


  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    I've been doing VERY good at working out and eating right. I however am beginning to get frustrated with people. I eat healthy and the majority of people give me slack for it. Just have a bite, one slice of pizza won't kill you. They seem to get offended if I say no. It's honestly annoying. Then I have a few friends who are constantly complaining about their weight but do nothing. Then when they ask me to motivate them, ask them to walk, workout, ect.....they always decline. It's just Sooo darn frustrating. I want to kick them in the rear. This may sound harsh but I'm venting it out on here. How do you KINDLY handle this situation? They are good friends just bad at the healthy lifestyle.

    When your friends behave like food pushers, saying things like "just one won't kill you..." I'd just politely, but consistently say things like "No thank you" or "I already ate" or "I'm not hungry" or "I just don't want one." There is no rational reason for anyone to push the conversation any further. If they do anyway, maybe say "No thanks, I'll just enjoy one vicarously through you," -- with a smile on your face, of course!

    When they ask you to motivate them, and you invite them to walk or workout with you, but they decline, I'd just drop it after that. Keep inviting them for a few weeks, but if they ALWAYS say no, then maybe I'd ask if they want you to keep inviting them. Otherwise, I'd just stop inviting them and do your own thing.

    I guess you could send them MFP invites too, and then they'd see how hard you're working for your results. Maybe it would inspire them, maybe not, but if you think they really want to make a change, it can't hurt.
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    Food pushers I say "I'm good" and the slackers I say "let me know when ur ready"
  • DanTheRunningMan
    Deep down, they're jealous you have enough self-control to deny the bad foods.

    Sadly, I have to agree with this.

    It makes me appreciate my friends, though. The typical reaction I get is admiration and support. If anything, they react as if to say "geez, maybe I shouldn't eat this either."

    I have a custom of going on the Januwagon each year in an attempt to offset some of the excesses of the holidays. The first year I did this, I had a good friend who wanted to do it with me. Her partner was an alcoholic and completely blew a fuse at the idea that their partying would be affected by this "totally selfish" lark of giving up alcohol for a month. My friends reacted the complete opposite, and I got nothing but support and understanding. I remember one who got right online and researched the best places in Seattle for non-alcoholic cocktails so I could still hang out while sticking with my plan. The stature of my friends went way up in my mind, and I realized how lucky I was. It also made me see the value of travelling light-- I'm far more inclined to jettison the toxic and unsupportive people in my life.
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    I agree with those that suggested it's jealousy. I find that a lot of times, some folks have to put others down in an attempt to make themselves feel better. I view them with sympathy and just go on my way knowing in my own mind that I'm doing the right things.

    We're happy to support you and your choices here :)
  • JMPerlin
    JMPerlin Posts: 287 Member
    Unfortunately, I am going through something similar to this. I work at a middle school, where there are constant parties, snacks, pizza, pastries and such. Most teachers are not on board with eating healthy or having a healthy lifestyle, so when they have cake for birthdays and other occasions, they say things like, "you don't need to diet" and "just one piece isn't going to hurt you." So.....I feel your pain hun. It is annoying. Family members are proud of what I do, but it is harder to go to family events because I have to create a healthy meal out of what they are having.

    I have the same problem at work, everyday there are about 50 pizza boxes in the the office because of some customer lunch and learn. The smell permeates the entire office and drives me up a wall. At home my wife and kids have super fast metabolisms so they can eat whatever they want and I have to exercise extreme will power not to dive into the junk. Its hardest on the weekend but unfortunately I do not have an answer for you. All I do is grit my teeth and try to avoid.
  • TheReese1206
    TheReese1206 Posts: 238
    Thank you all for you input.
  • Billywoo
    Billywoo Posts: 141 Member
    People are either out to TEST your abilities for whatever reason, or take YOU down with them for THIER bad choices in life... Its definitely uncalled for. I get if every day as well...