hey runners!

abbylove08 Posts: 215
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
my mom and i will be running in the Peachtree Road Race next week (yay!).
we've been getting ready for weeks including long runs up to about the race length (10K or 6.2 miles).

we're wondering what to eat energy-wise pre race. on the mornings of a long run, i have a cup of coffee (partly to wake up, the other part to give me a caffeine boost while running), half a banana, and an english muffin with some peanut butter about an hour before i run.

my mom and i both dont want to drink coffee too close to our starting time bc we have both experienced the mid-run "i HAVE to go to the bathroom" urge that has caused us to take a pit stop (which is unacceptable on race day! lol).

we're wondering what's a good pre-10K energy bar/food to eat before the race that won't feel like a brick in our stomach, slow us down, or make us have to make a pit stop. any suggestions (aside from those energy jelly beans..)?

thanks! :smile:


  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    That is the same breakfast I had before running a marathon a few years back (minus the coffee, wasn't a coffee drinker back then). I'd only use the energy bar if you've already tested it out on a run. You don't want any surprises on race day :tongue:

  • JLEC77
    JLEC77 Posts: 9

    My husband is an avid runner, and he suggests not to put anything in that you're not used to eating before you usually run. He says your peanut butter and banana situation is the best plan, and keep yourself hydrated. I've experienced the same thing with coffee before a race (the longest one I've done is a 10K) and it is the worst thing you can put in before you run! You might want to have some Hammer Gel or e-Load (little packets you can keep in your belt) for mid-race or just before...they're just electron replacements to keep you hydrated...

    I don't know if that helps you at all...

    Good luck!!
  • juanitagf
    juanitagf Posts: 22
    Don't change anything! If you do it before your long run, do it before the race. That way there are no surprises during the race. Do not add anything new unless you have previously tried it on a regular run.
  • abbylove08
    abbylove08 Posts: 215
    thank you everyone for your advice!
    i definitely agree with you all that i shouldnt change anything the morning of my race. it's the most obvious thing, and i totally overlooked it!

    i'm glad that my pb/banana combo seems to be the best bet.
    thanks again!!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    No problem. Good luck on your race!!! :happy:

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