Foods that trigger migraines?



  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    I'm so glad you started this subject! :) I've never been a headache kind of person until last year. Stress does some awful things to you. My migraines aren't near like they were last year, but I still get them. I have read sooo much about them. One thing that works great is Excederin Migraine. I don't like taking any more medicine than I have to so I have been trying to figure out what is triggering them and how to change that.

    I (like another post said) read about bananas! I love bananas!!! I buy them all the time. Well, MFP is also great for tracking your food for other reasons besides weight. The sites that talked about bananas mentioned that if they eat a banana within 24 hrs. it triggers migraines for a lot of people. I didn't think it could be but I looked through my diary, and at the comments at the bottom of each day on whether I had a migraine or not. On the days that I had one I looked at the day before and sure enough I had a banana! I thought oh it's just a coincidence. I kept finding the migraine days and the banana always on the day before. It was getting really weird. Then I would go a week without a headache, looked for bananas and there weren't any. Then I would find where I had a migraine and then I would find a banana the day before again. I traced all the days back to January and there were just 3-4 times where it didn't coinside. One day we ate at HuHot (lot of teriaki/soy sauce) and had one the day after. Another was doing HRBlock online for taxes. ha I couldn't believe what I saw regarding bananas. I love them, but passed them up at the store today just to see what happens. One of my favorite summer treats are chocolate covered frozen bananas with nuts! :( Why couldn't it be an odd fruit or something. Anyway, I'm going to try it without and go from there.

    I hope all of you can find relief, they truly are an awful thing to have. I remember when I didn't know much about them and tried to take tylenol. It doesn't even touch it and I remember the pills were soooo loud in the bottle I could hardly get them out. I keep the excederine migraine in my purse though.
  • princessdracos
    princessdracos Posts: 125 Member
    I (like another post said) read about bananas! I love bananas!!! I buy them all the time. Well, MFP is also great for tracking your food for other reasons besides weight. The sites that talked about bananas mentioned that if they eat a banana within 24 hrs. it triggers migraines for a lot of people. I didn't think it could be but I looked through my diary, and at the comments at the bottom of each day on whether I had a migraine or not. On the days that I had one I looked at the day before and sure enough I had a banana! I thought oh it's just a coincidence. I kept finding the migraine days and the banana always on the day before. It was getting really weird. Then I would go a week without a headache, looked for bananas and there weren't any. Then I would find where I had a migraine and then I would find a banana the day before again. I traced all the days back to January and there were just 3-4 times where it didn't coinside. One day we ate at HuHot (lot of teriaki/soy sauce) and had one the day after. Another was doing HRBlock online for taxes. ha I couldn't believe what I saw regarding bananas. I love them, but passed them up at the store today just to see what happens. One of my favorite summer treats are chocolate covered frozen bananas with nuts! :( Why couldn't it be an odd fruit or something. Anyway, I'm going to try it without and go from there.

    I hope all of you can find relief, they truly are an awful thing to have. I remember when I didn't know much about them and tried to take tylenol. It doesn't even touch it and I remember the pills were soooo loud in the bottle I could hardly get them out. I keep the excederine migraine in my purse though.

    It kills me to not be able to eat bananas! I love the darn things, and they're so readily available, cheap, and rarely bad quality. I'm glad you figured it out, but I'm sorry you're another victim of the mean yellow fruit :brokenheart:
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    I agree, it is sad. :( Maybe that advertisement that I always would see about the banana and the foods you should avoid was somehow giving me a warning. ha
    It's just so weird how things change though. I've eaten bananas all my life and never had problems. Well, I hope this will help. Have any of you looked through your diaries for the banana too? I'm so glad I started putting the days down when I had a migraine in the notes area.
  • nlwilliamson
    nlwilliamson Posts: 225 Member
    I don't know about foods, but have you tried Chiropractic care for your migraines? Sometimes when you have a subluxation in your neck/spine it can trigger horrible migraines. Just a thought :)