Ever Wish You Weren't Good at Something?

ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
So last night, my boyfriend comes home in an awful mood. I realized he hadn't eaten anything all day and needed some serious food (at which point I realized I'd been neglecting to eat most of the day too, damn finals taking my focus). So I just grab what's in the fridge, ended up inventing a quick cheese sauce (that, I won't lie, was way better than I expected), tossing it with a bit of crumbled bacon and pasta and making some really awesome macaroni and cheese.

After devouring a few servings of it, my boyfriend says to me, "You realize what you've done now. I've been joking those times that I said you should be the official cook for the both of us, but I'm sorry, that's not a joke anymore. I have no idea what I'm doing and burn everything I touch. You put in no effort whatsoever and come up with...with THIS. It's incomprehensible. I'd be mad if I wasn't getting all the benefit!"

So apparently I'm the official cook for the two of us now. I guess I should be flattered, but my reaction was more along the lines of:


  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    Haha this happened to me too. I'm not even that good at cooking but the boyfriend thinks the kitchen is a scary, scary place where I work some voodoo magic and come out with something amazing (in reality, I throw some bread crumbs and parmesan cheese on some chicken, lol). If I left it up to him we'd end up eating a lot of premade frozen pasta.
  • Kennkaru
    Kennkaru Posts: 210 Member
    I've had an almost identical experience.
    Gob and I feel your pain.
  • meggawatt
    meggawatt Posts: 145 Member
    Same here! I'd been cooking 95% of all of our meals for 7 years. Last year my husband's work schedule changed and he now gets home 3 hours earlier than me each day, so little by little I've been teaching him the basics of cooking. He watched me prepare some hof his favorite meals and how to's. I will say, we've eaten some downright awful meals in the last 12 months but he's actually getting quite good! Even looking up recipes in my cookbooks for fresh ideas! Now when I cook dinner or breakfast on the weekends, he appreciates it more and I enjoy it more because we've divided up the chore. Good luck with your mate!

    Oh and on the same thread - I wish I wasn't so good at saying the first thing that comes to mind. I have chronic foot in mouth disease. Thankfully it seems to be getting better with age and maturity >_<
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Been here...Its a curse. I hate it and love it. Its like someone saying to a comedian..."say something funny". Here cooks something amazing with this almost rotten cabbage these 2 bratwurst, carrots, and sour cream dip.
  • 2143661
    2143661 Posts: 566 Member
    Yes, my mouth can only take so much.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Thankfully I am not good at anything so I don't have that problem! LOL!

    Seriously, I made one horrible meal about 15 years ago and I still haven't been allowed to cook. If my husband is gone I'll play in the kitchen and if I come up with something good I'll make it for him but if he even sees me reaching for a cook book (that has NOTHING to do with baking since I am a decent baker) he gets scared.

    Before we got our dish washer I broke almost every dish in the house when I washed them so I got taken off of dish duty.

    I hate cleaning of any kind so we have a gal come in every few weeks to do a big clean. I do vacuum and mop because of the dog hair and do the weekly bathroom clean but that's about it.

    I also have a garden that someone else tends to because I hate weeding.

    Yup. Sometimes it's really great not being good at house hold stuff!
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    Same here! I'd been cooking 95% of all of our meals for 7 years. Last year my husband's work schedule changed and he now gets home 3 hours earlier than me each day, so little by little I've been teaching him the basics of cooking. He watched me prepare some hof his favorite meals and how to's. I will say, we've eaten some downright awful meals in the last 12 months but he's actually getting quite good! Even looking up recipes in my cookbooks for fresh ideas! Now when I cook dinner or breakfast on the weekends, he appreciates it more and I enjoy it more because we've divided up the chore. Good luck with your mate!
    Haha, it's funny, I've showed him how to do the same things a million times and it just never seems to click. I can't say how many times I've explained and demonstrated how to cook a piece of chicken in a pan, but the other day, I walked into the kitchen, and sure enough, he's got a frozen piece of chicken sitting in a cold pan with cold oil (and then managed to burn it to a crisp). I can't fault the guy for trying, but I guess we all have something that is just beyond our grasp!
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member

    Before we got our dish washer I broke almost every dish in the house when I washed them so I got taken off of dish duty.

    Yup. Sometimes it's really great not being good at house hold stuff!
    You instantly reminded me of this Shel Silverstein poem:

    “If you have to dry the dishes

    (Such an awful boring chore)

    If you have to dry the dishes

    ('Stead of going to the store)

    If you have to dry the dishes

    And you drop one on the floor

    Maybe they won't let you

    Dry the dishes anymore”
  • DangerDiv
    DangerDiv Posts: 62
    So last night, my boyfriend comes home in an awful mood. I realized he hadn't eaten anything all day and needed some serious food (at which point I realized I'd been neglecting to eat most of the day too, damn finals taking my focus). So I just grab what's in the fridge, ended up inventing a quick cheese sauce (that, I won't lie, was way better than I expected), tossing it with a bit of crumbled bacon and pasta and making some really awesome macaroni and cheese.

    After devouring a few servings of it, my boyfriend says to me, "You realize what you've done now. I've been joking those times that I said you should be the official cook for the both of us, but I'm sorry, that's not a joke anymore. I have no idea what I'm doing and burn everything I touch. You put in no effort whatsoever and come up with...with THIS. It's incomprehensible. I'd be mad if I wasn't getting all the benefit!"

    So apparently I'm the official cook for the two of us now. I guess I should be flattered, but my reaction was more along the lines of:

    classic move. i did/do this to my mom. i used to make sure dishes would break in the dishwasher no matter how "hard i tried" to do it right. eventually she decided she would always have to do the dishes.

    i continue to do things like this to her.

    you're good, i'm sure, but he is CLEARLY pulling the classic lazy person move. i know, because i am one!!!
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Yes, my mouth can only take so much.

  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member

    classic move. i did/do this to my mom. i used to make sure dishes would break in the dishwasher no matter how "hard i tried" to do it right. eventually she decided she would always have to do the dishes.

    i continue to do things like this to her.

    you're good, i'm sure, but he is CLEARLY pulling the classic lazy person move. i know, because i am one!!!
    Well, I only accepted the title once he agreed to take over all the dishwashing (his most hated chore). :devil: I shall not be made a fool of!
  • DangerDiv
    DangerDiv Posts: 62

    classic move. i did/do this to my mom. i used to make sure dishes would break in the dishwasher no matter how "hard i tried" to do it right. eventually she decided she would always have to do the dishes.

    i continue to do things like this to her.

    you're good, i'm sure, but he is CLEARLY pulling the classic lazy person move. i know, because i am one!!!
    Well, I only accepted the title once he agreed to take over all the dishwashing (his most hated chore). :devil: I shall not be made a fool of!

    good job!!! way to delegate them responsibilities!!!