HI there EveryOne!!!

Hello everyone!! how is everyone doing their quest to lose weight?? My name is Danielle and I reside in Grand Rapids, MI. I am 24 years old and i weigh 203 pounds. I have a goal to lose at least 20 pounds+ by my birthday which is Sept 8 I have been struggling with losing weight for the past 7 yrs!!! isn't that just crazy?? My weight has always fluccuated one minute im looking good then next i feel and look like a big blob! I have frequent binges that really need help controlling, my weaknesses are sweets, bread and potatos. I am in DIRE need of SUPPORT!!! and major ENCOURAGEMENT, i try to keep myself motivated, try to remain active but i always find myself right back at square one!, So to sum things up, I really pray that this attempt will be my last to reach my goals and maintain a healthy body and lifestyle so if anyone has tips, suggestions, comments or words of encouragement that helped them through i will greatly appreciate it! I look forward to My fitness pal changing my life as it has for many others!!



  • Karenvonw
    Karenvonw Posts: 258 Member
    Feel free to add me! I love this site and the motivational encouragement of others! You can do this!!!