anyone heard of using 5-HTP for depression and weight loss?

I have read recently about taking 5-HTP for depression and weight loss. It has seemed to help others and I have seen it in some of the diet sites. Just wondering if anyone else has heard of it or taken it.


  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    After a bit of research, I asked my doctor if I could try using 5-HTP to help me with mild depression (my Mom passed away in Dec, and I'm still in quite a funk). I wanted to avoid going on a SSRI, and 5-HTP was touted as a milder alternative, with less side effects. I had hoped it would help with my low energy levels and low moods.

    I have been on it for well over a month now (100mg x 2/day), and I have found that it has actually *increased* my appetite by two-fold. While I have always had a healthy appetite, I don't seem satiated after eating like I normally do, since taking the 5-HTP. Not good! :-/

    In the meantime, I've read a lot of contradictory information about how 5-HTP can affect appetite... some references refer to it as an appetite supressant, while others say it can increase appetite. ???

    I guess it all comes down to how each individual reacts to it. I haven't really noticed a lot of lift in my mood or energy, personally. It's pricey, and with such a lack of results, I've decided to stop taking it.
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    I would recommend against it. If you suffer from depression, seek real psychiatric help. Serotonergic drugs substantially increase suicidal ideation and impulses, leading to substantial increases in suicide rates among depressed populations (I know when I was in school, the recommendation was to institutionalize patients with severe depression and keep them on suicide watch for 2 weeks after starting SSRIs). It will also dramatically increase anxiety levels. All that aside, appetite disregulation is another side-effect of serotonergic drugs, which make it a really poor choice for weight loss.

    Finally, current research suggests that SSRIs are not even any more effective than placebo for treating depression. 5-HTP in an effective dose will have the same side-effect profile as an SSRI (they both work by increasing availability of Serotonin).

    Personally, I wouldn't mess with it. If you suffer from serious depression, see someone about it. If you want to do something yourself, fix your diet, exercise more, and change up your routine (monotony/lack of novel stimulation can exacerbate depression).

    Just my 2c.