Pub tonight for dinner, help!



  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    Just drink 6 shots on an empty stomach right away and pass out for the night before you have the chance to eat anything.

    I 2nd this motion
  • RetroGlitzDiva
    RetroGlitzDiva Posts: 109 Member
    Broiled chicken breast, dble side of steamed veg, low cal dressing for dip so you don't feel like you are TOTALLY depriving yourself - add to that a nice pint of LIGHT draft and that should be approx. 500cals. Feel free to order whatever most closely approximates this and ask them to hold all the gooey sauces and fried sides.

    As for "just drinking till you pass out" advice from good-time party-boy poster - yeah, we all know how that works out - by the time you hit beer/shot #4, you've already agreed to go in on a platter of nachos and wings - drink one more (in for a penny, in for a pound) before toddling off and spend the rest of the week hauling *kitten* to break even.

    This is so true! I always end up getting super munchy when the buzz comes on. One of my favorite places has Monte Cristo Sandwich and its the only thing I want when I am drinking. Bad bad bad because its over 1000 calories without the fries and ranch dressing.
  • stunningalmond
    stunningalmond Posts: 275 Member
    Bud Light Lime only has about 110 cals per pint :D
  • livestar
    livestar Posts: 140 Member
    Pub night for me too.

    For food, I'm just gonna do grilled meat and swap the sides for salad or steamed veg.
    For drinks, I'm just gonna do Herradura straight and maybe some red wine.

    This should be fun.

    Good luck!
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Just drink 6 shots on an empty stomach right away and pass out for the night before you have the chance to eat anything.

    I 2nd this motion

    6 shots = 360 calories. You can have a salad with it :laugh:
  • SkettiGurl
    SkettiGurl Posts: 186 Member
    Avoid anything that says fried or crispy etc. Have lean meat, preferably chicken breast or fish (without loads of sauce) DO NOT GET FRIES/CHIPS...just try to make good choices. You will feel so much better for it rather than having whatever you want because you don't want to feel like you're missing out (this is my biggest problem). Think of the end goal and how good you are doing!

    You can do this!
  • inktink
    inktink Posts: 135 Member
    Bud Light Lime only has about 110 cals per pint :D

    Ohhh how I miss my BLL!
  • stunningalmond
    stunningalmond Posts: 275 Member
    Bud Light Lime only has about 110 cals per pint :D

    Ohhh how I miss my BLL!

    I had room in my cals for one Saturday night. Ohhhh it was heavenly :)
  • centaurfilly
    As for "just drinking till you pass out" advice from good-time party-boy poster - yeah, we all know how that works out - by the time you hit beer/shot #4, you've already agreed to go in on a platter of nachos and wings - drink one more (in for a penny, in for a pound) before toddling off and spend the rest of the week hauling *kitten* to break even.

    Ha! That's totally how I wrecked my own diet this weekend. Drank more than was wise, caved to a burger and a 1/3 of a slice of cheesecake and consumed waaaaaaaay more calories than was wise. Not too happy about the alcohol calories either to be honest. And I felt sick for a day and a half to pay for it. Definitely reminded me why I enjoy the healthy eating now so much more.
  • centaurfilly
    I forgot to add that sometimes for me it helps if I have buddies I can share food with. That way I can sometimes order the indulgence that I actually want, but just not go overboard on how much of it I eat. (Like order nachos and share it with the whole table, people are usually more than happy to share and then I just fill a small plate for myself =D). I wouldn't suggest doing this all the time or anything, but for me personally, I rarely go to restaurants anymore or out with friends. This weekend was the exception rather than the rule.