Scariest thing a family member ever did

JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
To go along with the destructive kids thread, how about a scariest thing a family member did (or a friend, what the heck). Has to be someone you know, not someone you've just read about (yea, rules....blah blah blah).

My in-laws have a laundry chute from their main floor to the basement, located in a closet near their bathroom. One day my mother in law tossed a bunch of clothes and such into it and there was too much to slide she grabbed the shotgun that my father in law keeps sitting in the closet, which was supposed to be unloaded, and used the butt of the gun to jam the clothes down the chute.

Fortunately the gun didn't go off.....she found out later that my father in law had not unloaded the gun the last time he'd shot it....

We joke about it now, but..... YOW.



  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    My brother and I used to go up on the roof and jump into the bushes below. That seems like a bad idea in retrospect.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    My brother and I used to go up on the roof and jump into the bushes below. That seems like a bad idea in retrospect.

    Yow...from how high?

    My brother once rode his bike on our roof. He also managed to light a canister of gasoline on fire in the garage...fortunately he got it put out before it exploded.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    It was the first-floor roof so the height of a room, plus about 4 feet for the foundation. 12 feet? They were big springy bushes, I guess it didn't occur to us that we could have missed and landed on the ground. Probably wouldn't have died though.
  • Corryn78
    Corryn78 Posts: 215
    Examples of things my younger brother did....

    He and a friend liked the sizzle of matches thrown into the dry brush behind our barn. A few matches later and the entire horse pasture was on fire, getting close to the barn. We were using hoses and buckets before the fire department got there.

    Filled my dad's lawn mower gas tank with grain.

    Got attacked by a chicken and rushed to the emergency room to have his face stitched up.

    Used a bat on the side of a bee hive. He was allergic. Emergency room.

    oh I could go on...
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    When I was two weeks old, our families home was hit by a devastating flood. The house washed off the foundation, and only stopped because it got wedged up against a tree across the street. (Let's all sing, "Our House! In the middle of the street! Our House!")

    When the family was allowed to return home to survey the damage and start repairs, the foundation/basement was still full of water, even though it should have drained, and my father realized that it was because the water main was still on. So he dove into the basement, full of muddy, disgusting, contaminated flood water, to turn it off.

    Dad always did scary things, or had scary things happen to him, like the time just a few weeks after his triple bypass surgery when he was working under a car (a '67 Firebird, which was really low to the ground) when the jack gave out and the car fell on his chest. Being stubborn, he reached out, jacked the car back up, and kept working.

    He also had a boat flip on top of him while fishing alone, with the anchor line wrapped around his ankle. He managed to flip it back and climb back in, and row it back to shore, with the boat filled with water.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    One time my brother drove home so wasted that he couldn't open the front door and was convinced we changed the locks. I cut his license in half. He bodyslammed me. We laugh about it now.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Dad always did scary things, or had scary things happen to him, like the time just a few weeks after his triple bypass surgery when he was working under a car (a '67 Firebird, which was really low to the ground) when the jack gave out and the car fell on his chest. Being stubborn, he reached out, jacked the car back up, and kept working.

    He also had a boat flip on top of him while fishing alone, with the anchor line wrapped around his ankle. He managed to flip it back and climb back in, and row it back to shore, with the boat filled with water.

    Is his name Chuck Norris?
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    I can only think of stupid things me and my brother have done. Climbing all over barn roofs, jumping off garages, houses, out of trees. Now that we are older he still will climb most anything and jump into the river. Does back flips off of things. The worst was when I looked down the river and see him up in a high tree, and notice the people in the water had water only going to their knees. And he still jumped. Dumba$$. He gives me a heart attack sometimes.

    He can get me to climb and and jump out of a lot of things....only because I trust him and he'll usually walk me through it or help me.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    My cousin held up in his house with his girlfriend at knife point. They had to get the cops to bring him out.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    When my mom was a teen her two younger brother caught the back 40 on fire. LITERALLY the back 40. An entire field, multiple fire agencies.

    My dad was dragging his feet on my parents kitchen remodle last year so my stepmom took a sledgehammer to the wall. They were going to do a 'half wall' there so it got my dad motivated.
  • Corryn78
    Corryn78 Posts: 215
    oh another good one...

    My dad was working on his snow blower and slipped on the ice, sliding underneath. He felt a sting on his hand, but didn't think much of it. Pulled his work glove off, and the top 1/3 of a finger was missing. Drove himself to the emergency room.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    My dad's really good friend went camping w/ a bunch of my dad's cousins, etc.... he wanted to get the fire going "real good". Soooo...he throw gasoline on it. Yea, not such a great idea after drinking copious amounts of "Jungle Juice" for 12+ hours. He had to be taken to the ER, had 2nd & 3rd degree burns.

    This is the same guy that lost several of his toes in a mining accident in Casa Grande, Arizona (in the 70s). My dad used to stand on the tip of his boot when they were talking so Terry couldn't walk away. You'd think he would've been more careful after losing some toes!

    My uncle and his wife used to travel to Mexico w/ two other couples every labor day weekend. They had to stop going because every time someone had to be taken out due to injury. His buddy took off on a sandrail & a bottle of Jose Cuervo....he came back a time later with the bottle of Jose, no sandrail, no sun glasses, and missing an ear.

    Yea, they never found the ear. Btw, my uncle gave his buddy sunglasses for Christmas that year (as a joke). You can't wear sunglasses missing an ear. LOL

    I could keep going....LOL

    I have a great aunt that rode a backhoe into town to continue chewing my great-uncles butt (he left the house w/ all the keys to their vehicles and went to the bar). She drove that backhoe 4 miles into town, parked that SOB in front of the bar and told my great-uncle "Don't you ever walk away from me again".

    *sigh* Good times, good times. :drinker:
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    When my mom was a teen her two younger brother caught the back 40 on fire. LITERALLY the back 40. An entire field, multiple fire agencies.

    My dad was dragging his feet on my parents kitchen remodle last year so my stepmom took a sledgehammer to the wall. They were going to do a 'half wall' there so it got my dad motivated.
    That reminds me of a story about my grandmother, when she was a young housewife she felt like remodeling and took it upon herself to tear down an interior wall. Not realizing it was a supporting wall...
  • kymillion
    kymillion Posts: 791 Member
    When I was two weeks old, our families home was hit by a devastating flood. The house washed off the foundation, and only stopped because it got wedged up against a tree across the street. (Let's all sing, "Our House! In the middle of the street! Our House!")

    When the family was allowed to return home to survey the damage and start repairs, the foundation/basement was still full of water, even though it should have drained, and my father realized that it was because the water main was still on. So he dove into the basement, full of muddy, disgusting, contaminated flood water, to turn it off.

    Dad always did scary things, or had scary things happen to him, like the time just a few weeks after his triple bypass surgery when he was working under a car (a '67 Firebird, which was really low to the ground) when the jack gave out and the car fell on his chest. Being stubborn, he reached out, jacked the car back up, and kept working.

    He also had a boat flip on top of him while fishing alone, with the anchor line wrapped around his ankle. He managed to flip it back and climb back in, and row it back to shore, with the boat filled with water.

    Your dads stories are like a final destination script.
  • flyingwrite
    flyingwrite Posts: 264
    Dad always did scary things, or had scary things happen to him, like the time just a few weeks after his triple bypass surgery when he was working under a car (a '67 Firebird, which was really low to the ground) when the jack gave out and the car fell on his chest. Being stubborn, he reached out, jacked the car back up, and kept working.

    He also had a boat flip on top of him while fishing alone, with the anchor line wrapped around his ankle. He managed to flip it back and climb back in, and row it back to shore, with the boat filled with water.

    Is his name Chuck Norris?

    Exactly...what I thought! Haha!
  • DavetheHYNIC
    DavetheHYNIC Posts: 318 Member
    My first cousin killed two guys in a drug deal gone bad in Richmond Va reading some of Yall post reminds me how different Americans really live.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    My cousin is currently a fugitive. No, I don't know where he is. If I did, I'd turn him in.
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    I like this thread!! My brother & I grew up home alone a lot or with our grandmother watching us, so lots of time to come up with really dumb/dangerous things to do for fun... Even into our teenage years we did some pretty dumb stuff :/ lol I think when you grow up with a brother you do things you would never have done other wise. We used to take my moms hairspray outback & use the long candle lighter & make a "flamethrower" like thing to melt his army men..That could have ended badly.. We liked to light pretty much anything on fire, hang-out of the 2nd story window of our house attaching homemade 'parachutes' aka sandwich baggies/plastic wrap barbies/action figures & attempt to make them float down. lots of jumping out of/off of things, climbing trees in the winter to hide & throw snowballs at strangers/cars driving by.. I could go on forever! I feel bad for anyone who doesn't grow up with a little brother/older brother, you miss out on a lot of fun stupid stuff.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I like this thread!! My brother & I grew up home alone a lot or with our grandmother watching us, so lots of time to come up with really dumb/dangerous things to do for fun... Even into our teenage years we did some pretty dumb stuff :/ lol I think when you grow up with a brother you do things you would never have done other wise. We used to take my moms hairspray outback & use the long candle lighter & make a "flamethrower" like thing to melt his army men..That could have ended badly.. We liked to light pretty much anything on fire, hang-out of the 2nd story window of our house attaching homemade 'parachutes' aka sandwich baggies/plastic wrap barbies/action figures & attempt to make them float down. lots of jumping out of/off of things, climbing trees in the winter to hide & throw snowballs at strangers/cars driving by.. I could go on forever! I feel bad for anyone who doesn't grow up with a little brother/older brother, you miss out on a lot of fun stupid stuff.
    My brother was younger and did the stupid stuff that I came up with, thankyouverymuch.
  • SheehyCFC
    SheehyCFC Posts: 529 Member
    My brother and I were scuba diving and he was in charge of navigation (I was in charge of exploration, avoiding barracuda/sharks, etc.). Well he got a "mild" case of vertigo and as its underwater and he cant tell me, I had no idea. We continued on, until it was time to head back. Well we were lost... in the atlantic ocean. So we swam underwater for about 20-30 minutes in the direction as best I thought the boat was... he ran out of air (I only had ~200psi left (<2 min)), so we surfaced. Not a boat in sight. We swam for another 30-45 minutes until another diving boat saw us and let us board. They called our boat, who promptly came to pick us up. But yeah, I wasn't sure we would survive.

    Ever since then I do my own navigation as well.