C25K week one, day - did it kick your *kitten*?



  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    Well I did it...I did day 1 and I am pleasantly suprised how well I did. I actually enjoyed it. How do you all log it....I don't have a HRM??

    YAY!! Great job! You should be really proud of yourself, I am!

    I am not too sure about logging either. I started entering my own excercise but I use my Endomondo app to tell me my average time and the estimate of kcals (basically same as cals I believe) however I keep it set on the "walking" mode for the time being because that is what I am mostly doing and when I am actually jogging - I'm not going very fast. I don't know if that would have any effect on how many calories I burned but I figure if it does - atleast I will be underestimating and not overestimating.

    Curious to see what others say
  • ged630
    ged630 Posts: 145 Member
    Tomorrow is week 3 day 1 for me. This is my third attempt at the program. Having the app has helped more than anything for me! I struggle with knowing what speed to go. Anyone else???

    I think I will need to slow down my pace for tomorrow but I can't wait to try it!!

    Good luck to everyone at all stages of C25K!!!
  • trollydollymolly
    trollydollymolly Posts: 107 Member
    Well done you! Tommorw I shall be doing D3W3. I haven't found this week too bad but am not looking forward to wek 4. I find I have a tendency to run too fast so I have been making a conscious effort to slow down and I am finding that it really helps. I have never been and nor will I be a natural runner but I am enjoying the torture oops sorry challenge!

    Keep up the good work. We should compare notes each week!!!
  • coop52
    coop52 Posts: 27 Member
    Just finished week 2 today! The first day of each week was hard for me, but it got a bit easier. Week 2's workout had me checking my phone to see how much running time I had left. It's more mental than anything, and it feels awesome to keep going till it dings for cool-down. I run outdoors by a river. Even if it's hard, at least I get to see cute ducks :)

    For logging, I log the time for walking and running (including warmup and cooldown) on both MyFitnessPal and Fitocracy. The total workout is 30 min, so I've been logging 9 minutes jogging and 21 minutes walking. As for speed, I go pretty slow. I heard that it's actually best to go as slow as possible so you can get used to it and build up your breathing.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Oh it seriously kicked my *kitten*. Parts of me were painful that seemingly had nothing to do with running. It's a wonder I actually continued with it.

    BTW, I started c25k last August and running became my main form of exercise after that. It gets easier on the body.
  • rds532
    rds532 Posts: 109 Member
    I tried this program last Spring - did it for 3 days and gave up. I am now ready to try again. Theses posts give me inspiration!
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    just completed wk1 day 2. far better than day 1, my legs only started to ache at the last jog, and that was due to the fact i changed my route and did one jog/rest period on grass and i reckon it mucked me up a bit. at the end though once i had done the cooldown, i felt like i could do more!! probably going to do day 3 on sunday!
  • kiku76
    kiku76 Posts: 352 Member
    I finished week 2 today. And yes I thought i.was going to die during the first week.
    I learned I need to slow down a little. I don't need to run likes the other real runners on the path, who have beendoing it for a long time. I slowed down a little and it helped.
    Part of me startd thinking why the hell am I doing this to myself when I can just go walking every day but I want to push through it and learn how to run
  • kfitzs
    kfitzs Posts: 48 Member
    yesterday i did week 1 day 1 and i wasnt able to do 60sec of running yet but ill keep repeating the week till i get through the whole thing my problem now is finding 5k of flat ground to do it on as my fit bit said at the end of it that id climbed 16 flights of stairs might have had something to do with not being able to complete it properly but i figure at least i tried and i had a great weigh in a measurement result this morning
  • babygyrljt
    babygyrljt Posts: 4
    Wait until you hit week 7!!!
  • babygyrljt
    babygyrljt Posts: 4
    i did my first C2K run yesterday and was surprisingly hard! but im now committed to make a change! :)

    I know, right?!? I was like "run for 60, walk for 90? psh, I got this." Riiiiight...

    Haha, yep, that's us. My friend and I do it. I weigh 357 and she weighs in the 320's, and it's haaaaaaaaaaaaaaard.

    We're on week 1, been on it for 3 weeks now, bc we don't want to move on till we can complete it. We don't care how slow, lol.

    On Monday, we compeleted our very first interval of jogging. We actually stopped in the middle of the neighborhood street and high fived, lol. Then about 3 minutes later, we completed ANOTHER interval. TWO of them! We're so excited!

    Unfortunately, a crazy-bad heat rash has taken me out of the C25K game this week, but we're hoping to finish all 3 days of W1 next week! :)

    Good luck!!!!!!!

    That is awesome and wise! Keep it up! You can do it! Plus you'll love the way it help your figure. I had an apple shape frame when I started, now I'm on my way to the old "coke bottle frame." Keep running! :)
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    I just finished day 3 of week 1. I am loving it. I have never run in my entire life. Not as a kid or a teenager, I have always been morbidly obese and never felt confident or in shape to run.

    I love this program and I am excited to to call myself a runner!
  • glow7
    glow7 Posts: 8
    so true...very well put
  • Christinah5150
    Christinah5150 Posts: 73 Member
    I just completed W7D3! It does get easier and you will be amazed with what your body can do! I never would've thought in a million years that I could run for 25 minutes at my current weight....but I can!
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    I run almost every other day and strength training on opposite but have never done C25k....however I can do 1/2 Marathon, so it's not that big of a deal....I THINK though, I might use this app for pace.

    I can run a 5k in less than 28 minutes, but I might start using it for hill sprints and following their guidelines for that. I really want to increase my endurance....so I'm sure the way I want to do it, Week 1 will kick my *kitten*....I don't think I've sprinted for 60 seconds ever, and I don't think I'll sprint 60 seconds here, but perhaps I'll be at less than 8 minutes a mile by the end of this.